Dublin City University at CLEF 2006: Cross-Language Speech Retrieval (CL-SR) Experiments
Gareth J. F. Jones, Ke Zhang, Adenike M. Lam-Adesina
- Anthology ID:
- DBLP:conf/clef/JonesZL06a
- Volume:
- Working Notes for CLEF 2006 Workshop co-located with the 10th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL 2006), Alicante, Spain, September 20-22, 2006
- Year:
- 2006
- Venue:
- clef_workshop
- Publisher:
- CEUR-WS.org
- URL:
- https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1172/CLEF2006wn-CLSR-GarethEt2006.pdf
- conf/clef/JonesZL06a
- PDF:
- https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1172/CLEF2006wn-CLSR-GarethEt2006.pdf