Feature Learning in Dynamic Environments: Modeling the Acoustic Structure of Musical Emotion
Erik M. Schmidt, Jeffrey J. Scott, Youngmoo E. Kim
- Anthology ID:
- DBLP:conf/ismir/SchmidtSK12
- Volume:
- Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2012, Mosteiro S.Bento Da Vitória, Porto, Portugal, October 8-12, 2012
- Year:
- 2012
- Venue:
- ismir_conference
- Publisher:
- FEUP Edições
- Pages:
- 325–330
- URL:
- http://ismir2012.ismir.net/event/papers/325-ismir-2012.pdf
- conf/ismir/SchmidtSK12
- PDF:
- http://ismir2012.ismir.net/event/papers/325-ismir-2012.pdf