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Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval (2016)



Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, GIR 2016, Burlingame, California, USA, October 31, 2016

doi dblp
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, GIR 2016, Burlingame, California, USA, October 31, 2016

doi dblp
A holistic framework of geographical semantic web aligning
Li Yu | Xiliang Liu | Mingxiao Li | Peng Peng | Feng Lu

doi dblp
Facility detection and popularity assessment from text classification of social media and crowdsourced data
Kevin A. Sparks | Roger G. Li | Gautam S. Thakur | Robert N. Stewart | Marie L. Urban

doi dblp
A depth-first branch-and-bound algorithm for geocoding historic itinerary tables
Daniel Blank | Andreas Henrich

doi dblp
Extracting spatial information from social media in support of agricultural management decisions
Nevena Golubovic | Chandra Krintz | Rich Wolski | Sara Lafia | Thomas Hervey | Werner Kuhn

doi dblp
Refining imprecise spatio-temporal events: a network-based approach
Andreas Spitz | Johanna Geiß | Michael Gertz | Stefan Hagedorn | Kai-Uwe Sattler

doi dblp
Semantic enrichment of places with VGI sources: a knowledge based approach
Camille Tardy | Gilles Falquet | Laurent Moccozet

doi dblp
Evaluation of NER systems for the recognition of place mentions in French thematic corpora
Carmen Brando | Catherine Dominguès | Magali Capeyron

doi dblp
Performance evaluation measures for toponym resolution
Morteza Karimzadeh

doi dblp
Towards geo-referencing infrastructure for local news
Guoray Cai | Ye Tian