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Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (2015)


2015 Volume 66 Issue 9

doi dblp
Data journals: A survey
Leonardo Candela | Donatella Castelli | Paolo Manghi | Alice Tani

doi dblp
Evaluating the retrieval effectiveness of web search engines using a representative query sample
Dirk Lewandowski

doi dblp
An automatic approach to weighted subject indexing - an empirical study in the biomedical domain
Kun Lu | Jin Mao

doi dblp
The impact of image descriptions on user tagging behavior: A study of the nature and functionality of crowdsourced tags
Yi-Ling Lin | Christoph Trattner | Peter Brusilovsky | Daqing He

doi dblp
On the usefulness of lexical and syntactic processing in polarity classification of Twitter messages
David Vilares | Miguel A. Alonso | Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez

doi dblp
Developing a bottom-up, user-based method of web register classification
Jesse Egbert | Douglas Biber | Mark Davies

doi dblp
Who reads research articles? An altmetrics analysis of Mendeley user categories
Ehsan Mohammadi | Mike Thelwall | Stefanie Haustein | Vincent Larivière

doi dblp
Why does attention to web articles fall with Time?
Mikhail V. Simkin | Vwani P. Roychowdhury

doi dblp
The value and complexity of collection arrangement for evidentiary work
Ciaran B. Trace | Luis Francisco-Revilla

doi dblp
Facebook apps and tagging: The trade-off between personal privacy and engaging with friends
Pamela J. Wisniewski | Heng Xu | Heather Richter Lipford | Emmanuel Bello-Ogunu

doi dblp
Capturing Collabportunities: A method to evaluate collaboration opportunities in information search using pseudocollaboration
Roberto I. González-Ibáñez | Chirag Shah | Ryen W. White

doi dblp
Joint model for subsentence-level sentiment analysis with Markov logic
Ziyan Chen | Yu Huang | Jing Tian | Xiaoyan Liu | Kun Fu | Tinglei Huang

doi dblp
Is there a clubbing effect underlying Chinese research citation Increases?
Li Tang | Philip Shapira | Jan L. Youtie

doi dblp
Technology adoption decisions in the household: A seven-model comparison
Susan A. Brown | Viswanath Venkatesh | Hartmut Hoehle

doi dblp
What is behind the curtain of the Leiden Ranking?
Rüdiger Mutz | Hans-Dieter Daniel

doi dblp
To intervene or not to intervene; is that the question? On the role of scientometrics in research evaluation
Sarah de Rijcke | Alexander D. Rushforth

doi dblp
Speaking Code: Coding as Aesthetic and Political Expression - By Geoff Cox and Alex McLean
Mark C. Marino

doi dblp
The Discipline of Organizing - Edited by Robert J. Glushko
Elaine Svenonius


2015 Volume 66 Issue 8

doi dblp
Big data, bigger dilemmas: A critical review
Hamid R. Ekbia | Michael Mattioli | Inna Kouper | G. Arave | Ali Ghazinejad | Timothy D. Bowman | Venkata Ratandeep Suri | Andrew Tsou | Scott B. Weingart | Cassidy R. Sugimoto

doi dblp
How everyday language can and will boost effective information retrieval
Eduard Hoenkamp | Peter Bruza

doi dblp
Classical databases and knowledge organization: A case for boolean retrieval and human decision-making during searches
Birger Hjørland

doi dblp
Understanding "influence: " an exploratory study of academics' processes of knowledge construction through iterative and interactive information seeking
Sheila Pontis | Ann Blandford

doi dblp
Contextualizing the information-seeking behavior of software engineers
Luanne Freund

doi dblp
Patient portal preferences: Perspectives on imaging information
Mary McNamara | Corey W. Arnold | Karthik Sarma | Denise R. Aberle | Edward B. Garon | Alex A. T. Bui

doi dblp
Modeling and analyzing the topicality of art images
Xiaoli Huang | Dagobert Soergel | Judith L. Klavans

doi dblp
Text clustering: An application with the State of the Union addresses
Jacques Savoy

doi dblp
Overcoming bias to learn about controversial topics
V. G. Vinod Vydiswaran | ChengXiang Zhai | Dan Roth | Peter Pirolli

doi dblp
Effects of anchoring process under preference stabilities for interactive movie recommendations
I-Chin Wu | Yun-Fang Niu

doi dblp
The design and formative evaluation of nonspeech auditory feedback for an information system
Rafa Absar | Catherine Guastavino

doi dblp
Does research output cause economic growth or vice versa? Evidence from 34 OECD countries
Hamilton Ntuli | Roula Inglesi-Lotz | Tsangyao Chang | Anastassios Pouris

doi dblp
Influence diffusion detection using the influence style (INFUSE) model
Luke Kien-Weng Tan | Jin-Cheon Na | Ying Ding

doi dblp
Multisensory, pervasive, immersive: Towards a new generation of documents
Lyn Robinson

doi dblp
Complex tasks and simple solutions: The use of heuristics in the evaluation of research
Lutz Bornmann

doi dblp
Measures for bibliometric size, impact, and concentration
Gangan Prathap

doi dblp
Personal Archiving: Preserving Our Digital Heritage - Edited by Donald Hawkins
Amber L. Cushing

doi dblp
Records Management and Information Culture: Tackling the People Problem - By Gillian Oliver and Fiorella Foscarini
Richard J. Cox


2015 Volume 66 Issue 7

doi dblp
Human rights as a topic and guide for LIS research and practice
Kay Mathiesen

doi dblp
Team size matters: Collaboration and scientific impact since 1900
Vincent Larivière | Yves Gingras | Cassidy R. Sugimoto | Andrew Tsou

doi dblp
Can we rank scholarly book publishers? A bibliometric experiment with the field of history
Alesia A. Zuccala | Raf Guns | Roberto Cornacchia | Rens Bod

doi dblp
Thesaurus and ontology structure: Formal and pragmatic differences and similarities
Daniel Kless | Simon K. Milton | Edmund Kazmierczak | Jutta Lindenthal

doi dblp
Are relations in thesauri "context-free, definitional, and true in all possible worlds"?
Birger Hjørland

doi dblp
Argue, observe, assess: Measuring disciplinary identities and differences through socio-epistemic discourse
Bradford Demarest | Cassidy R. Sugimoto

doi dblp
Domain-independent search expertise: A description of procedural knowledge gained during guided instruction
Catherine L. Smith

doi dblp
Who publishes in "predatory" journals?
Jingfeng Xia | Jennifer L. Harmon | Kevin G. Connolly | Ryan M. Donnelly | Mary R. Anderson | Heather A. Howard

doi dblp
"They are always there for me": The convergence of social support and information in an online breast cancer community
Ellen L. Rubenstein

doi dblp
Clusterization and mapping of waste recycling science. Evolution of research from 2002 to 2012
Gaizka Garechana | Rosa María Río-Belver | Ernesto Cilleruelo | Jaso Larruscain Sarasola

doi dblp
Hyperlinks embedded in twitter as a proxy for total external in-links to international university websites
Enrique Orduña-Malea | Daniel Torres-Salinas | Emilio Delgado López-Cózar

doi dblp
Investigating serendipity: How it unfolds and what may influence it
Lori McCay-Peet | Elaine G. Toms

doi dblp
Perceptions of justice or injustice as determinants of contributor defections from online communities
Ling Jiang | Christian Wagner

doi dblp
Effects of ego involvement and social norms on individuals' uploading intention on Wikipedia: A comparative study between the United States and South Korea
Namkee Park | Hyun Sook Oh | Naewon Kang

doi dblp
BRICS countries and scientific excellence: A bibliometric analysis of most frequently cited papers
Lutz Bornmann | Caroline S. Wagner | Loet Leydesdorff

doi dblp
Crowd science: It is not just a matter of time (or funding)
Eleftheria Vasileiadou

doi dblp
Egghe's g-index is not a proper concentration measure
Ronald Rousseau

doi dblp
Adaptive Interaction: A Utility Maximization Approach to Understanding Human Interaction with Technology - By Stephen J. Payne and Andrew Howes
Yvonne Rogers


2015 Volume 66 Issue 6

doi dblp
Visual information seeking
Dan E. Albertson

doi dblp
Cross-language person-entity linking from 20 languages
Dawn J. Lawrie | James Mayfield | Paul McNamee | Douglas W. Oard

doi dblp
Are scholarly articles disproportionately read in their own country? An analysis of mendeley readers
Mike Thelwall | Nabeil Maflahi

doi dblp
How is research blogged? A content analysis approach
Hadas Shema | Judit Bar-Ilan | Mike Thelwall

doi dblp
Interactions between English-speaking and Chinese-speaking users and librarians on social networking sites
Hong Huang | Samuel Kai-Wah Chu | Dora Yu-Ting Chen

doi dblp
A new approach to measure the scientific strengths of territories
Giovanni Abramo | Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo | Flavia Di Costa

doi dblp
Testing the strength of the normative approach in citation theory through relational bibliometrics: The case of italian sociology
Emanuela Riviera

doi dblp
Assessment of journal similarity based on citing discipline analysis
Feifei Wang | Dietmar Wolfram

doi dblp
A study of the role of visual information in supporting ideation in graphic design
Simon Laing | Masood Masoodian

doi dblp
Explicit search result diversification using score and rank aggregation methods
Ahmet Murat Ozdemiray | Ismail Sengor Altingovde

doi dblp
Measuring triple-helix synergy in the Russian innovation systems at regional, provincial, and national levels
Loet Leydesdorff | Evgeniy Perevodchikov | Alexander Uvarov

doi dblp
Information practices of urban newcomers: An analysis of habits and wandering
Jessa Lingel

doi dblp
Adverse selection of reviewers
Jose A. García | Rosa Rodríguez-Sánchez | Joaquín Fernández-Valdivia

doi dblp
Understanding engagement with the privacy domain through design research
Asimina Vasalou | Anne-Marie Oostveen | Chris P. Bowers | Russell Beale

doi dblp
From cyberbullying to well-being: A narrative-based participatory approach to values-oriented design for social media
Leanne Bowler | Cory P. Knobel | Eleanor Mattern

doi dblp
On searching misspelled collections
Jason J. Soo | Ophir Frieder

doi dblp
The phrase "information storage and retrieval" (IS&R): An historical note
Birger Hjørland

doi dblp
Digital Labor: The Internet as Playground and Factory - Edited by Trebor Scholz
Gregory J. Downey


2015 Volume 66 Issue 5

doi dblp
The writing on the wall
Blaise Cronin

doi dblp
ResearchGate: Disseminating, communicating, and measuring Scholarship?
Mike Thelwall | Kayvan Kousha

doi dblp
User participation in an academic social networking service: A survey of open group users on Mendeley
Wei Jeng | Daqing He | Jiepu Jiang

doi dblp
Truth and deception at the rhetorical structure level
Victoria L. Rubin | Tatiana Lukoianova

doi dblp
Privacy as a fuzzy concept: A new conceptualization of privacy for practitioners
Asimina Vasalou | Adam N. Joinson | David J. Houghton

doi dblp
Mining browsing behaviors for objectionable content filtering
Lung-Hao Lee | Yen-Cheng Juan | Wei-Lin Tseng | Hsin-Hsi Chen | Yuen-Hsien Tseng

doi dblp
Tracking middle school students' information behavior via Kuhlthau's ISP Model: Temporality
Jamshid Beheshti | Charles Cole | Dhary Abuhimed | Isabelle Lamoureux

doi dblp
Query-biased summary generation assisted by query expansion
Lorena Leal Bando | Falk Scholer | Andrew Turpin

doi dblp
Predicting users' domain knowledge in information retrieval using multiple regression analysis of search behaviors
Xiangmin Zhang | Jingjing Liu | Michael J. Cole | Nicholas J. Belkin

doi dblp
Journal maps, interactive overlays, and the measurement of interdisciplinarity on the basis of Scopus data (1996-2012)
Loet Leydesdorff | Félix de Moya Anegón | Vicente P. Guerrero-Bote

doi dblp
The roles of sharing, transfer, and public funding in nanotechnology knowledge-diffusion networks
Shan Jiang | Qiang Gao | Hsinchun Chen | Mihail C. Roco

doi dblp
Analyzing the interaction patterns in a faceted search interface
Xi Niu | Bradley M. Hemminger

doi dblp
Use of politeness strategies in signed open peer review
Syavash Nobarany | Kellogg S. Booth

doi dblp
Constructing an inter-post similarity measure to differentiate the psychological stages in offensive chats
Md. Waliur Rahman Miah | John Yearwood | Siddhivinayak Kulkarni

doi dblp
Bibliometric evolution: Is the journal of the association for information science and technology transforming into a specialty Journal?
Jeppe Nicolaisen | Tove Faber Frandsen

doi dblp
"Raw Data" Is an Oxymoron - Edited by Lisa Gitelman
Julian Warner

doi dblp
Paper Knowledge: Toward a Media History of Documents - Edited by Lisa Gitelman
Michael K. Buckland


2015 Volume 66 Issue 4

doi dblp
Big data and its epistemology
Martin Frické

doi dblp
Information seeking, use, and decision making
Jyoti Laxmi Mishra | David K. Allen | Alan D. Pearman

doi dblp
Effect of web page menu orientation on retrieving information by people with learning disabilities
Peter Williams | Christian Hennig

doi dblp
Internet information triangulation: Design theory and prototype evaluation
Fons Wijnhoven | Michel Brinkhuis

doi dblp
How are icons processed by the brain? Neuroimaging measures of four types of visual stimuli used in information systems
Sheng-Cheng Huang | Randolph G. Bias | David M. Schnyer

doi dblp
Generating descriptive multi-document summaries of geo-located entities using entity type models
Ahmet Aker | Robert J. Gaizauskas

doi dblp
Factors affecting citation rates of research articles
Natsuo Onodera | Fuyuki Yoshikane

doi dblp
A patento-scientometric approach to venture capital investment prioritization
Gustavo da Silva Motta | Pauli Adriano de Almada Garcia | Rogério Hermida Quintella

doi dblp
A study of research collaboration in the pre-web and post-web stages: A coauthorship analysis of the information systems discipline
Mu-Hsuan Huang | Ling-Ling Wu | Yi-Chen Wu

doi dblp
A complete assessment of tagging quality: A consolidated methodology
Yunseon Choi

doi dblp
Harnessing collective IT resources for sustainability: Insights from the green leadership strategy of China mobile
Barney Tan | Shan Ling Pan | Meiyun Zuo

doi dblp
How are people enticed to disclose personal information despite privacy concerns in social network sites? The calculus between benefit and cost
Jinyoung Min | Byoungsoo Kim

doi dblp
Correlations between user voting data, budget, and box office for films in the internet movie database
Max Wasserman | Satyam Mukherjee | Konner Scott | Xiao Han T. Zeng | Filippo Radicchi | Luís A. Nunes Amaral

doi dblp
Conflicts in the Knowledge Society: The Contentious Politics of Intellectual Property - By Sebastian Haunss
Eden Medina


2015 Volume 66 Issue 3

doi dblp
"Potentialities or possibilities": Towards quantum information science?
David Bawden | Lyn Robinson | Tyabba Siddiqui

doi dblp
Providing informational support in an online discussion group and a Q&A site: The case of travel planning
Reijo Savolainen

doi dblp
Real-time classification of Twitter trends
Arkaitz Zubiaga | Damiano Spina | Raquel Martínez-Unanue | Víctor Fresno

doi dblp
Seven dimensions of contemporary participation disentangled
Christopher M. Kelty | Aaron Panofsky | Morgan E. Currie | Roderic N. Crooks | Seth Erickson | Patricia Garcia | Michael Wartenbe | Stacy Wood

doi dblp
A novel approach to citation normalization: A similarity-based method for creating reference sets
Cristian Colliander

doi dblp
Identifying ISI-indexed articles by their lexical usage: A text analysis approach
Mohammadreza Moohebat | Ram Gopal Raj | Sameem Binti Abdul Kareem | Dirk Thorleuchter

doi dblp
Differences in citation impact across countries
Pedro Albarrán | Antonio Perianes-Rodríguez | Javier Ruiz-Castillo

doi dblp
Eye-tracking analysis of user behavior and performance in web search on large and small screens
Jaewon Kim | Paul Thomas | Ramesh S. Sankaranarayana | Tom Gedeon | Hwan-Jin Yoon

doi dblp
Applying knowledge flow mining to group recommendation methods for task-based groups
Chin-Hui Lai

doi dblp
Using content and network analysis to understand the social support exchange patterns and user behaviors of an online smoking cessation intervention program
Mi Zhang | Christopher C. Yang

doi dblp
A taxonomy of antecedents to user adoption of health information systems: A synthesis of thirty years of research
Mohammadreza Najaftorkaman | Amir Hossein Ghapanchi | Amir Talaei-Khoei | Pradeep Ray

doi dblp
Intimate partner violence online: Expectations and agency in question and answer websites
Lynn Westbrook

doi dblp
Data Practices and Curation Vocabulary (DPCVocab): An empirically derived framework of scientific data practices and curatorial processes
Tiffany C. Chao | Melissa H. Cragin | Carole L. Palmer

doi dblp
A fast method based on multiple clustering for name disambiguation in bibliographic citations
Yu Liu | Weijia Li | Zhen Huang | Qiang Fang

doi dblp
Sister Nivedita's influence on J. C. Bose's writings
Siladitya Jana


2015 Volume 66 Issue 2

doi dblp
"The sum of all human knowledge": A systematic review of scholarly research on the content of Wikipedia
Mostafa Mesgari | Chitu Okoli | Mohamad Mehdi | Finn Årup Nielsen | Arto Lanamäki

doi dblp
Research project tasks, data, and perceptions of data quality in a condensed matter physics community
Besiki Stvilia | Charles C. Hinnant | Shuheng Wu | Adam Worrall | Dong Joon Lee | Kathleen Burnett | Gary Burnett | Michelle M. Kazmer | Paul F. Marty

doi dblp
Engaging and maintaining a sense of being informed: Understanding the tasks motivating twitter search
David Elsweiler | Morgan Harvey

doi dblp
Struggling for space and finding my place: An interactionist perspective on everyday use of biomedical information
Christine T. Wolf | Tiffany C. Veinot

doi dblp
The principal-agent problem in peer review
Jose A. García | Rosa Rodríguez-Sánchez | Joaquín Fernández-Valdivia

doi dblp
An automatic method for extracting citations from Google Books
Kayvan Kousha | Mike Thelwall

doi dblp
Classifying scientific disciplines in Slovenia: A study of the evolution of collaboration structures
Luka Kronegger | Franc Mali | Anuska Ferligoj | Patrick Doreian

doi dblp
Information use and illness representations: Understanding their connection in illness coping
Annie T. Chen

doi dblp
Understanding review helpfulness as a function of reviewer reputation, review rating, and review depth
Alton Y. K. Chua | Snehasish Banerjee

doi dblp
Exploiting named entities for bilingual news clustering
Soto Montalvo | Raquel Martínez-Unanue | Víctor Fresno | Agustín D. Delgado

doi dblp
The value of user feedback: Healthcare professionals' comments to the health information provider
David Li Tang | France Bouthillier | Pierre Pluye | Roland M. Grad | Carol Repchinsky

doi dblp
Towards a framework for untangling complexity: The interprofessional decision-making model for the complex patient
Hadas Weinberger | Jonathan Cohen | Boaz Tadmor | Pierre Singer

doi dblp
Measuring academic influence: Not all citations are equal
Xiaodan Zhu | Peter D. Turney | Daniel Lemire | André Vellino

doi dblp
Research on tables and graphs in academic articles: Pitfalls and promises
James Hartley | Guillaume Cabanac | Marcin Kozak | Gilles Hubert

doi dblp
The Discipline of Organizing - Edited by Robert J. Glushko
Marcia J. Bates


2015 Volume 66 Issue 12

doi dblp
The ties that (no longer) bind
Blaise Cronin

doi dblp
Web credibility assessment: Conceptualization, operationalization, variability, and models
Wonchan Choi | Besiki Stvilia

doi dblp
Interrater reliability and convergent validity of F1000Prime peer review
Lutz Bornmann

doi dblp
User conceptions of trustworthiness for digital archival documents
Devan Ray Donaldson | Paul P. Conway

doi dblp
Research data sharing: Developing a stakeholder-driven model for journal policies
Paul Sturges | Marianne Bamkin | Jane H. S. Anders | Bill Hubbard | Azhar Hussain | Melanie Heeley

doi dblp
Patients' perceptions of their medical records from different subject positions
Isto Huvila | Åsa Cajander | Mats Daniels | Rose-Mharie Åhlfeldt

doi dblp
Modeling user experience with news websites
Gabor Aranyi | Paul van Schaik

doi dblp
Knowledge-sharing intention in professional virtual communities: A comparison between posters and lurkers
Shin-Yuan Hung | Hui-Min Lai | Yu-Che Chou

doi dblp
How online social interactions influence customer information contribution behavior in online social shopping communities: A social learning theory perspective
Christy M. K. Cheung | Ivy L. B. Liu | Matthew K. O. Lee

doi dblp
Structuring Tweets for improving Twitter search
Zhunchen Luo | Yang Yu | Miles Osborne | Ting Wang

doi dblp
Filing, piling, and everything in between: The dynamics of E-mail inbox management
Yoram M. Kalman | Gilad Ravid

doi dblp
A new term-weighting scheme for text classification using the odds of positive and negative class probabilities
Youngjoong Ko

doi dblp
Towards the prediction problems of bursting hashtags on Twitter
Shoubin Kong | Fei Ye | Ling Feng | Zhe Zhao

doi dblp
Identifying the topology of the K-pop video community on YouTube: A combined Co-comment analysis approach
Min Song | Yoo Kyung Jeong | Ha Jin Kim

doi dblp
Smartphone-based public health information systems: Anonymity, privacy and intervention
Andrew Clarke | Robert Steele

doi dblp
Empirical evaluation of metadata for video games and interactive media
Jin Ha Lee | Rachel Ivy Clarke | Andrew Perti

doi dblp
Analysis of Biomedical and Health Queries: Lessons Learned from TREC and CLEF Evaluation Benchmarks
Lynda Tamine | Cecile Chouquet | Thomas Palmer

doi dblp
A lead-lag analysis of the topic evolution patterns for preprints and publications
Beibei Hu | Xianlei Dong | Chenwei Zhang | Timothy D. Bowman | Ying Ding | Stasa Milojevic | Chaoqun Ni | Erjia Yan | Vincent Larivière

doi dblp
Topic-level opinion influence model (TOIM): An investigation using tencent microblogging
Daifeng Li | Jie Tang | Ying Ding | Xin Shuai | Tamy Chambers | Gordon Guo-Zheng Sun | Zhipeng Luo | Jingwei Zhang

doi dblp
Conferences versus journals in computer science
George Vrettas | Mark Sanderson

doi dblp
Coauthorship networks: A directed network approach considering the order and number of coauthors
Jinseok Kim | Jana Diesner

doi dblp
Threshold effects of the patent H-index in the relationship between patent citations and market value
Ke-Chiun Chang | Wei Zhou | Sifei Zhang | Chien-Chung Yuan

doi dblp
The missing link: Information behavior research and its estranged relationship with embodiment
Christopher Peter Lueg

doi dblp
A comparison between the g-index and the h-index based on concentration
Francesco Bartolucci

doi dblp
How well does a university perform in comparison with its peers? The use of odds, and odds ratios, for the comparison of institutional citation impact using the Leiden Rankings
Lutz Bornmann | Rüdiger Mutz

doi dblp
Nature's top 100 Re-revisited
Alberto Martín-Martín | Juan Manuel Ayllon | Emilio Delgado López-Cózar | Enrique Orduña-Malea

doi dblp
Distribution of women and men among highly cited scientists
Lutz Bornmann | Johann Bauer | Robin Haunschild

doi dblp
Materiality and Organizing: Social Interaction in a Technological World - Edited by Paul M. Leonardi, Bonnie A. Nardi and Jannis Kallinikos
Giovan Francesco Lanzara

doi dblp
Digital Methods - By Richard Rogers
Kim Holmberg


2015 Volume 66 Issue 11

doi dblp
"Waiting for Carnot": Information and complexity
David Bawden | Lyn Robinson

doi dblp
Mining full-text journal articles to assess obliteration by incorporation: Herbert A. Simon's concepts of bounded rationality and satisficing in economics, management, and psychology
Katherine W. McCain

doi dblp
The VQR, Italy's second national research assessment: Methodological failures and ranking distortions
Giovanni Abramo | Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo

doi dblp
Growth rates of modern science: A bibliometric analysis based on the number of publications and cited references
Lutz Bornmann | Rüdiger Mutz

doi dblp
Improving relevance feedback-based query expansion by the use of a weighted word pairs approach
Francesco Colace | Massimo De Santo | Luca Greco | Paolo Napoletano

doi dblp
Evaluating a search interface for visually impaired searchers
Nuzhah Gooda Sahib | Anastasios Tombros | Tony Stockman

doi dblp
The end game in Kuhlthau's ISP Model: Knowledge construction for grade 8 students researching an inquiry-based history project
Charles Cole | Jamshid Beheshti | Dhary Abuhimed | Isabelle Lamoureux

doi dblp
Learning from Elitist Jerks: Creating high-quality knowledge resources from ongoing conversations
Julia Bullard | James Howison

doi dblp
Imitating CoPs: Imposing formality on informality
Karin Dessne | Katriina Byström

doi dblp
Understanding tourists' collaborative information retrieval behavior to inform design
Abu Shamim Mohammad Arif | Jia Tina Du | Ivan Lee

doi dblp
A visual XML dataspace approach for satisfying ad hoc information needs
Katja Moilanen | Timo Niemi | Turkka Näppilä | Mikko Kuru

doi dblp
Testing for the fairness and predictive validity of research funding decisions: A multilevel multiple imputation for missing data approach using ex-ante and ex-post peer evaluation data from the Austrian science fund
Rüdiger Mutz | Lutz Bornmann | Hans-Dieter Daniel

doi dblp
Imperfect referees: Reducing the impact of multiple biases in peer review
Yun Wei Zhao | Chi-Hung Chi | Willem-Jan van den Heuvel

doi dblp
Research dynamics, impact, and dissemination: A topic-level analysis
Erjia Yan

doi dblp
A variant of the h-index to measure recent performance
Michael Schreiber

doi dblp
A new index to use in conjunction with the h-index to account for an author's relative contribution to publications with high impact
Erika Crispo

doi dblp
Some variations on the standard theoretical models for the h-index: A comparative analysis
Chrisovalantis Malesios

doi dblp
Sandra Rousseau | Ronald Rousseau

doi dblp
Do open access data files represent an academic Risk?
Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva | Judit Dobránszki

doi dblp
Web Metrics for Library and Information Professionals - Edited by David Stuart
Enrique Orduña-Malea


2015 Volume 66 Issue 10

doi dblp
"A few exciting words": Information and entropy revisited
David Bawden | Lyn Robinson

doi dblp
Multidimensional assessment of scholarly research impact
Henk F. Moed | Gali Halevi

doi dblp
Do "altmetrics" correlate with citations? Extensive comparison of altmetric indicators with citations from a multidisciplinary perspective
Rodrigo Costas | Zohreh Zahedi | Paul Wouters

doi dblp
Bias and effort in peer review
Jose A. García | Rosa Rodríguez-Sánchez | Joaquín Fernández-Valdivia

doi dblp
A study of social interaction during mobile information seeking
Esther Meng-Yoke Tan | Dion Hoe-Lian Goh

doi dblp
Motivations for sharing information and social support in social media: A comparative analysis of Facebook, Twitter, Delicious, YouTube, and Flickr
Sanghee Oh | Sue Yeon Syn

doi dblp
Understanding information history from a genre-theoretical perspective
Laura Skouvig | Jack Andersen

doi dblp
Quality of health information for consumers on the web: A systematic review of indicators, criteria, tools, and evaluation results
Yan Zhang | Yalin Sun | Bo Xie

doi dblp
The interacting effects of distributed work arrangements and individual dispositions on willingness to engage in sensemaking behaviors
Peter H. Gray | Brian S. Butler | Nikhil Sharma

doi dblp
Mobile technologies and the spatiotemporal configurations of institutional practice
Irina Shklovski | Emily Troshynski | Paul Dourish

doi dblp
Effects of domain on measures of semantic relatedness
Daniel Macías Galindo | Lawrence J. Cavedon | John Thangarajah | Wilson Wong

doi dblp
Testing theories of preferential attachment in random networks of citations
Lawrence J. Smolinsky | Aaron J. Lercher | Andrew McDaniel

doi dblp
Which of the world's institutions employ the most highly cited researchers? An analysis of the data from
Lutz Bornmann | Johann Bauer

doi dblp
Do researchers provide public or institutional E-mail accounts as correspondence E-mails in scientific articles?
Marcin Kozak | Olesia Iefremova | Jaroslaw Szkola | Daniel Sas

doi dblp
Matching Medline/PubMed data with Web of Science: A routine in R language
Daniele Rotolo | Loet Leydesdorff

doi dblp
How much hybridization does machine translation Need?
Marta Ruiz Costa-jussà

doi dblp
Nature's top 100 revisited
Lutz Bornmann

doi dblp
Letter to the editor: A bibliometric for the publication of inconsequential work
Travis C. Pratt

doi dblp
Information and Intrigue: From Index Cards to Dewey Decimal to Alger Hiss - By Colin Burke
Emil Levine

doi dblp
Les Dérives de l'Évaluation de la Recherche: du bon usage de la bibliométrie (The Excesses of Research Evaluation: The Proper Use of Bibliometrics) - By Yves Gingras
Michel Zitt


2015 Volume 66 Issue 1

doi dblp
Personalizing news content: An experimental study
Michal Sela | Talia Lavie | Ohad Inbar | Ilit Oppenheim | Joachim Meyer

doi dblp
Data mining from web search queries: A comparison of google trends and baidu index
Liwen Vaughan | Yue Chen

doi dblp
Combining lexical and statistical translation evidence for cross-language information retrieval
Sungho Kim | Youngjoong Ko | Douglas W. Oard

doi dblp
Factors affecting rocchio-based pseudorelevance feedback in image retrieval
Chih-Fong Tsai | Ya-Han Hu | Zong-Yao Chen

doi dblp
Personalizing information retrieval for multi-session tasks: Examining the roles of task stage, task type, and topic knowledge on the interpretation of dwell time as an indicator of document usefulness
Jingjing Liu | Nicholas J. Belkin

doi dblp
Improving image annotation via ranking-oriented neighbor search and learning-based keyword propagation
Chaoran Cui | Jun Ma | Tao Lian | Zhumin Chen | Shuaiqiang Wang

doi dblp
Complementary QA network analysis for QA retrieval in social question-answering websites
Duen-Ren Liu | Yu-Hsuan Chen | Minxin Shen | Pei-Jung Lu

doi dblp
Social impact of scholarly articles in a citation network
Jose A. García | Rosa Rodríguez-Sánchez | Joaquín Fernández-Valdivia

doi dblp
Exploring the knowledge development process of English language learners at a high school: How do English language proficiency and the nature of research task influence student Learning?
Sung Un Kim

doi dblp
Data, censorship, and politics: Analyzing the restricted flow of information in federal scientific policy development
Shannon M. Oltmann

doi dblp
Theorizing on the take-up of social technologies, organizational policies and norms, and consultants' knowledge-sharing practices
Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi | Steve Sawyer

doi dblp
A profile-boosted research analytics framework to recommend journals for manuscripts
Thushari P. Silva | Jian Ma | Chen Yang | Haidan Liang

doi dblp
The triple helix and international collaboration in science
Sujin Choi | Joshua SungWoo Yang | Han Woo Park

doi dblp
A classifier to determine which Wikipedia biographies will be accepted
Nir Ofek | Lior Rokach