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Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval Conference (1987)


Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 3-5, 1987

doi dblp
Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 3-5, 1987

Multimedia Retrieval
Stavros Christodoulakis

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A Statistical Similarity Measure
S. K. Michael Wong | Yiyu Yao

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Probabilistic Search Term Weighting-Some Negative Results
Norbert Fuhr | Peter Müller

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Some Considerations for Approximate Optimal Queries
K. L. Kwok

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An Approach to Natural Language Processing for Document Retrieval
W. Bruce Croft | David D. Lewis

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Outline of a Knowledge Base Model for an Intelligent Information Retrieval System
Marie-France Bruandet

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Enriched Knowledge Representations for Information Retrieval
F. N. Teskey

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Informational Zooming: An Interaction Model for the Graphical Access to Text Knowledge Bases
Ulrich Thiel | Rainer Hammwöhner

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Generating an Individualized User Interface: From Novice to Expert
Jean Tague

Individual Differences in the Use of Information Retrieval Systems: Some Issues and Some Data
Christine L. Borgman

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Illustrated Description of an Interactive Knowledge-Based Indexing System
Susanne M. Humphrey

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Automatic Phrase Indexing for Document Retrieval: An Examination of Syntactic and Non-Syntactic Methods
Joel L. Fagan

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A Failure Analysis on the Limitations of Suffixing in an Online Environment
Donna Harman

Uncertainties in Information Retrieval
Lotfi A. Zadeh

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Fast Object Partitioning Using Stochastic Learning Automata
B. John Oommen | Daniel C. Y. Ma

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A Dynamic Cluster Maintenance System for Information Retrieval
Fazli Can | Esen A. Ozkarahan

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Non-Hierarchic Document Clustering Using the ICL Distributed Array Processor
Edie M. Rasmussen | Peter Willett

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Optimal Determination of User-Oriented Clusters
Vijay V. Raghavan | Jitender S. Deogun

Models of IR (Panel)
Vijay V. Raghavan | M. Gordon | Robert R. Korfhage | Clement T. Yu

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A Formal Treatment of Missing and Imprecise Information
Joan M. Morrissey | C. J. van Rijsbergen

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Adaptive Linear Information Retrieval Models
Peter Bollmann | S. K. Michael Wong

The Effect of Database Size on Document Retrieval: Random and Best-First Retrieval Models
Robert M. Losee

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TIRS: A Topological Information Retrieval System Satisfying the Requirements of the Waller-Kraft Wish List
Steven C. Cater | Donald H. Kraft

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A Retrieval System for On-Line English-Japanese Dictionaries
Tetsuro Ito | Mana Kubota

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MICROARRAS: An Advanced Full-Text Retrieval and Analysis System
John B. Smith | Stephen F. Weiss | Gordon J. Ferguson

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A Relational Model for Unstructured Documents
Airi Salminen

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A VLSI Chip for Efficient Transmission and Retrieval of Information
Amar Mukherjee | Mostafa A. Bassiouni

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File Organizations and Incrementally Specified Queries
Caroline M. Eastman

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Predictive Text Compression by Hashing
Timo Raita | Jukka Teuhola

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Estimating Effective Display Size in Online Retrieval Systems
Danny P. Wallace | Bert R. Boyce | Donald H. Kraft

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Conceptual Information Retrieval Using RUBRIC
Richard M. Tong | Lee A. Appelbaum | Victor N. Askman | James F. Cunningham

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Thesaurus Based Concept Spaces
Peter Schäuble

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EP-X: A Demonstration of Semantically-Based Search of Bibliographic Databases
Deb A. Krawczak | Philip J. Smith | Steven J. Shute

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Towards an Expert System for Bibliographic Retrieval: A Prolog Prototype
Carolyn R. Watters | Michael A. Shepherd | W. Robertson

Parallel Architecture in IR
Esen A. Ozkarahan | Craig Stanfill | Gerard Salton

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An Approach to Image Retrieval from Large Image Databases
Fausto Rabitti | Peter L. Stanchev

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Data Caching in Information Retrieval Systems
Patricia Simpson | Rafael Alonso

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Improved Techniques for Processing Queries in Full-Text Systems
Yaacov Choueka | Aviezri S. Fraenkel | Shmuel T. Klein | E. Segal

Clustering of Concepts for Optimal Retrieval
Paul B. Kantor | Abraham Bookstein | Martin Dillon | Tefko Saracevic