Deniz Kilinç
Word-Context Matrix based Query Expansion in Information Retrieval for Turkish text
Emre Satir
Adil Alpkoçak
Deniz Kilinç
Sixth BCS-IRSG Symposium on Future Directions in Information Access, FDIA 2015, 31 August - 4 September 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece
DEMIR at CLEF eHealth: The Effects of Selective Query Expansion to Information Retrieval
Okan Ozturkmenoglu
Adil Alpkocak
Deniz Kilinç
Working Notes for CLEF 2014 Conference, Sheffield, UK, September 15-18, 2014
DEU at ImageCLEF 2009 WikipediaMM Task: Experiments with Expansion and Reranking Approaches
Deniz Kilinç
Adil Alpkoçak
Working Notes for CLEF 2009 Workshop co-located with the 13th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL 2009) , Corfù, Greece, September 30 - October 2, 2009