Jose Antonio Robles-Flores
Building on Redundancy: Factoid Question Answering, Robust Retrieval and the "Other"
Dmitri Roussinov
Elena Filatova
Michael Chau
Jose Antonio Robles-Flores
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2005, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 15-18, 2005
Experiments with Web QA System and TREC 2004 Questions
Dmitri Roussinov
Yin Ding
Jose Antonio Robles-Flores
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2004, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 16-19, 2004
Learning patterns to answer open domain questions on the web
Dmitri Roussinov
Jose Antonio Robles-Flores
SIGIR 2004: Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Sheffield, UK, July 25-29, 2004
Self-learning web question answering system
Dmitri Roussinov
Jose Antonio Robles-Flores
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on World Wide Web - Alternate Track Papers & Posters, WWW 2004, New York, NY, USA, May 17-20, 2004