Julien Velcin


doi dblp
Dirichlet-Survival Process: Scalable Inference of Topic-Dependent Diffusion Networks
Gaël Poux-Médard | Julien Velcin | Sabine Loudcher
Advances in Information Retrieval - 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval, ECIR 2023, Dublin, Ireland, April 2-6, 2023, Proceedings, Part II

doi dblp
Multivariate Powered Dirichlet-Hawkes Process
Gaël Poux-Médard | Julien Velcin | Sabine Loudcher
Advances in Information Retrieval - 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval, ECIR 2023, Dublin, Ireland, April 2-6, 2023, Proceedings, Part II


doi dblp
Dynamic Gaussian Embedding of Authors
Antoine Gourru | Julien Velcin | Christophe Gravier | Julien Jacques
WWW '22: The ACM Web Conference 2022, Virtual Event, Lyon, France, April 25 - 29, 2022


pdf dblp
New Datasets and a Benchmark of Document Network Embedding Methods for Scientific Expert Finding
Robin Brochier | Antoine Gourru | Adrien Guille | Julien Velcin
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval co-located with 42nd European Conference on Information Retrieval, BIR@ECIR 2020, Lisbon, Portugal, April 14th, 2020 [online only]

doi dblp
Inductive Document Network Embedding with Topic-Word Attention
Robin Brochier | Adrien Guille | Julien Velcin
Advances in Information Retrieval - 42nd European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2020, Lisbon, Portugal, April 14-17, 2020, Proceedings, Part I

doi dblp
Document Network Projection in Pretrained Word Embedding Space
Antoine Gourru | Adrien Guille | Julien Velcin | Julien Jacques
Advances in Information Retrieval - 42nd European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2020, Lisbon, Portugal, April 14-17, 2020, Proceedings, Part II


doi dblp
Global Vectors for Node Representations
Robin Brochier | Adrien Guille | Julien Velcin
The World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 13-17, 2019

doi dblp
Link Prediction with Mutual Attention for Text-Attributed Networks
Robin Brochier | Adrien Guille | Julien Velcin
Companion of The 2019 World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 13-17, 2019


pdf dblp
Impact of the Query Set on the Evaluation of Expert Finding Systems
Robin Brochier | Adrien Guille | Benjamin Rothan | Julien Velcin
Proceedings of the 3rd Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL 2018) co-located with the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2018), Ann Arbor, USA, July 12, 2018

doi dblp
Fast and Simple Deterministic Seeding of KMeans for Text Document Clustering
Ehsan Sherkat | Julien Velcin | Evangelos E. Milios
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction - 9th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2018, Avignon, France, September 10-14, 2018, Proceedings


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ECSTRA-INSERM @ CLEF eHealth2016-task 2: ICD10 Code Extraction from Death Certificates
Mohamed Dermouche | Vincent Looten | Rémi Flicoteaux | Sylvie Chevret | Julien Velcin | Namik Taright
Working Notes of CLEF 2016 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation forum, Évora, Portugal, 5-8 September, 2016


doi dblp
Temporal Multinomial Mixture for Instance-Oriented Evolutionary Clustering
Young-Min Kim | Julien Velcin | Stéphane Bonnevay | Marian-Andrei Rizoiu
Advances in Information Retrieval - 37th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2015, Vienna, Austria, March 29 - April 2, 2015. Proceedings