Vahab S. Mirrokni


doi dblp
Towards Efficient Auctions in an Auto-bidding World
Yuan Deng | Jieming Mao | Vahab S. Mirrokni | Song Zuo
WWW '21: The Web Conference 2021, Virtual Event / Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 19-23, 2021


doi dblp
A Data-Driven Metric of Incentive Compatibility
Yuan Deng | Sébastien Lahaie | Vahab S. Mirrokni | Song Zuo
WWW '20: The Web Conference 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, April 20-24, 2020


doi dblp
On-Device Algorithms for Public-Private Data with Absolute Privacy
Alessandro Epasto | Hossein Esfandiari | Vahab S. Mirrokni
The World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 13-17, 2019


doi dblp
Incentive-Aware Learning for Large Markets
Alessandro Epasto | Mohammad Mahdian | Vahab S. Mirrokni | Song Zuo
Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2018, Lyon, France, April 23-27, 2018

doi dblp
Dynamic Mechanism Design in the Field
Vahab S. Mirrokni | Renato Paes Leme | Rita Ren | Song Zuo
Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2018, Lyon, France, April 23-27, 2018


doi dblp
Budget Management Strategies in Repeated Auctions
Santiago R. Balseiro | Anthony Kim | Mohammad Mahdian | Vahab S. Mirrokni
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2017, Perth, Australia, April 3-7, 2017

doi dblp
Deals or No Deals: Contract Design for Online Advertising
Vahab S. Mirrokni | Hamid Nazerzadeh
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2017, Perth, Australia, April 3-7, 2017


doi dblp
Distributed Balanced Partitioning via Linear Embedding
Kevin Aydin | MohammadHossein Bateni | Vahab S. Mirrokni
Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 22-25, 2016


doi dblp
Distributed Graph Algorithmics: Theory and Practice
Silvio Lattanzi | Vahab S. Mirrokni
Proceedings of the Eighth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, WSDM 2015, Shanghai, China, February 2-6, 2015


doi dblp
Partner tiering in display advertising
Anand Bhalgat | Nitish Korula | Hennadiy Leontyev | Max Lin | Vahab S. Mirrokni
Seventh ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, WSDM 2014, New York, NY, USA, February 24-28, 2014

doi dblp
Reduce and aggregate: similarity ranking in multi-categorical bipartite graphs
Alessandro Epasto | Jon Feldman | Silvio Lattanzi | Stefano Leonardi | Vahab S. Mirrokni
23rd International World Wide Web Conference, WWW '14, Seoul, Republic of Korea, April 7-11, 2014

doi dblp
Optimal revenue-sharing double auctions with applications to ad exchanges
Renato Gomes | Vahab S. Mirrokni
23rd International World Wide Web Conference, WWW '14, Seoul, Republic of Korea, April 7-11, 2014


doi dblp
Overlapping clusters for distributed computation
Reid Andersen | David F. Gleich | Vahab S. Mirrokni
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Search and Web Data Mining, WSDM 2012, Seattle, WA, USA, February 8-12, 2012


doi dblp
Optimal marketing and pricing over social networks
Nicole Immorlica | Vahab S. Mirrokni
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2010, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, April 26-30, 2010

doi dblp
Mining advertiser-specific user behavior using adfactors
Nikolay Archak | Vahab S. Mirrokni | S. Muthukrishnan
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2010, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, April 26-30, 2010


doi dblp
Bid optimization for broad match ad auctions
Eyal Even-Dar | Vahab S. Mirrokni | S. Muthukrishnan | Yishay Mansour | Uri Nadav
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2009, Madrid, Spain, April 20-24, 2009


doi dblp
Robust PageRank and locally computable spam detection features
Reid Andersen | Christian Borgs | Jennifer T. Chayes | John E. Hopcroft | Kamal Jain | Vahab S. Mirrokni | Shang-Hua Teng
AIRWeb 2008, Fourth International Workshop on Adversarial Information Retrieval on the Web, Beijing, China, April 22, 2008

doi dblp
Trust-based recommendation systems: an axiomatic approach
Reid Andersen | Christian Borgs | Jennifer T. Chayes | Uriel Feige | Abraham D. Flaxman | Adam Kalai | Vahab S. Mirrokni | Moshe Tennenholtz
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2008, Beijing, China, April 21-25, 2008

doi dblp
Optimal marketing strategies over social networks
Jason D. Hartline | Vahab S. Mirrokni | Mukund Sundararajan
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2008, Beijing, China, April 21-25, 2008

doi dblp
A combinatorial allocation mechanism with penalties for banner advertising
Uriel Feige | Nicole Immorlica | Vahab S. Mirrokni | Hamid Nazerzadeh
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2008, Beijing, China, April 21-25, 2008