Yubin Kim


doi dblp
Applications and Future of Dense Retrieval in Industry
Yubin Kim
SIGIR '22: The 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Madrid, Spain, July 11 - 15, 2022


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Clustering Large-scale Diverse Electronic Medical Records to Aid Annotation for Generic Named Entity Recognition
Nithin Haridas | Yubin Kim
Proceedings of the ACM WSDM 2020 Health Search and Data Mining Workshop, co-located with the 13th ACM International WSDM Conference, HSDM@WSDM 2020, Houston, TX, USA, February 3, 2020

Proceedings of the ACM WSDM 2020 Health Search and Data Mining Workshop, co-located with the 13th ACM International WSDM Conference, HSDM@WSDM 2020, Houston, TX, USA, February 3, 2020

Proceedings of the ACM WSDM 2020 Health Search and Data Mining Workshop, co-located with the 13th ACM International WSDM Conference, HSDM@WSDM 2020, Houston, TX, USA, February 3, 2020

doi dblp
Overview of the Health Search and Data Mining (HSDM 2020) Workshop
Carsten Eickhoff | Yubin Kim | Ryen W. White
WSDM '20: The Thirteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, Houston, TX, USA, February 3-7, 2020


doi dblp
Using Collection Shards to Study Retrieval Performance Effect Sizes
Nicola Ferro | Yubin Kim | Mark Sanderson
2019 Volume 37 Issue 3


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Robust Selective Search
Yubin Kim
2018 Volume 52 Issue 2

doi dblp
Measuring the Effectiveness of Selective Search Index Partitions without Supervision
Yubin Kim | Jamie Callan
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval, ICTIR 2018, Tianjin, China, September 14-17, 2018


doi dblp
Efficient distributed selective search
Yubin Kim | Jamie Callan | J. Shane Culpepper | Alistair Moffat
2017 Volume 20 Issue 3

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Learning To Rank Resources
Zhuyun Dai | Yubin Kim | Jamie Callan
Proceedings of the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, August 7-11, 2017


doi dblp
Using the Crowd to Improve Search Result Ranking and the Search Experience
Yubin Kim | Kevyn Collins-Thompson | Jaime Teevan
2016 Volume 7 Issue 4

doi dblp
Load-Balancing in Distributed Selective Search
Yubin Kim | Jamie Callan | J. Shane Culpepper | Alistair Moffat
Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, SIGIR 2016, Pisa, Italy, July 17-21, 2016

doi dblp
Does Selective Search Benefit from WAND Optimization?
Yubin Kim | Jamie Callan | J. Shane Culpepper | Alistair Moffat
Advances in Information Retrieval - 38th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2016, Padua, Italy, March 20-23, 2016. Proceedings


doi dblp
How Random Decisions Affect Selective Distributed Search
Zhuyun Dai | Yubin Kim | Jamie Callan
Proceedings of the 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Santiago, Chile, August 9-13, 2015


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Crowdsourcing for Robustness in Web Search
Yubin Kim | Kevyn Collins-Thompson | Jaime Teevan
Proceedings of The Twenty-Second Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2013, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 19-22, 2013

doi dblp
Slow Search: Information Retrieval without Time Constraints
Jaime Teevan | Kevyn Collins-Thompson | Ryen W. White | Susan T. Dumais | Yubin Kim
Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval, HCIR '13, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 3-4, 2013


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Overcoming Vocabulary Limitations in Twitter Microblogs
Yubin Kim | Reyyan Yeniterzi | Jamie Callan
Proceedings of The Twenty-First Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2012, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 6-9, 2012