Yunhua Hu


doi dblp
Building Multi-turn Query Interpreters for E-commercial Chatbots with Sparse-to-dense Attentive Modeling
Yan Fan | Chengyu Wang | Peng He | Yunhua Hu
WSDM '22: The Fifteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, Virtual Event / Tempe, AZ, USA, February 21 - 25, 2022


doi dblp
A new approach to query segmentation for relevance ranking in web search
Haocheng Wu | Yunhua Hu | Hang Li | Enhong Chen
2015 Volume 18 Issue 1


doi dblp
Extracting search-focused key n-grams for relevance ranking in web search
Chen Wang | Keping Bi | Yunhua Hu | Hang Li | Guihong Cao
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Search and Web Data Mining, WSDM 2012, Seattle, WA, USA, February 8-12, 2012

doi dblp
Mining query subtopics from search log data
Yunhua Hu | Ya-nan Qian | Hang Li | Daxin Jiang | Jian Pei | Qinghua Zheng
The 35th International ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in Information Retrieval, SIGIR '12, Portland, OR, USA, August 12-16, 2012


doi dblp
Combining machine learning and human judgment in author disambiguation
Ya-nan Qian | Yunhua Hu | Jianling Cui | Qinghua Zheng | Zaiqing Nie
Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2011, Glasgow, United Kingdom, October 24-28, 2011


doi dblp
A ranking approach to keyphrase extraction
Xin Jiang | Yunhua Hu | Hang Li
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, SIGIR 2009, Boston, MA, USA, July 19-23, 2009


doi dblp
Web page title extraction and its application
Yewei Xue | Yunhua Hu | Guomao Xin | Ruihua Song | Shuming Shi | Yunbo Cao | Chin-Yew Lin | Hang Li
2007 Volume 43 Issue 5


doi dblp
Automatic extraction of titles from general documents using machine learning
Yunhua Hu | Hang Li | Yunbo Cao | Li Teng | Dmitriy Meyerzon | Qinghua Zheng
2006 Volume 42 Issue 5


doi dblp
Title extraction from bodies of HTML documents and its application to web page retrieval
Yunhua Hu | Guomao Xin | Ruihua Song | Guoping Hu | Shuming Shi | Yunbo Cao | Hang Li
SIGIR 2005: Proceedings of the 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Salvador, Brazil, August 15-19, 2005

doi dblp
A new approach to intranet search based on information extraction
Hang Li | Yunbo Cao | Jun Xu | Yunhua Hu | Shenjie Li | Dmitriy Meyerzon
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Bremen, Germany, October 31 - November 5, 2005