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Shared Tasks (2011)


CLEF: Cross-Language Retrieval in Image Collections

Overview papers:

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Overview of the Wikipedia Image Retrieval Task at ImageCLEF 2011
Theodora Tsikrika | Adrian Popescu | Jana Kludas

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Overview of the CLEF 2011 Medical Image Classification and Retrieval Tasks
Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer | Henning Müller | Steven Bedrick | Ivan Eggel | Alba Garcia Seco de Herrera | Theodora Tsikrika

Participant papers:

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The CLEF 2011 Photo Annotation and Concept-based Retrieval Tasks
Stefanie Nowak | Karolin Nagel | Judith Liebetrau

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The CLEF 2011 Plant Images Classification Task
Hervé Goëau | Pierre Bonnet | Alexis Joly | Nozha Boujemaa | Daniel Barthélémy | Jean-François Molino | Philippe Birnbaum | Elise Mouysset | Marie Picard

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Multimodal Information Approaches for the Wikipedia Collection at ImageCLEF 2011
Ruben Granados | Joan Benavent | Xaro Benavent | Esther de Ves | Ana García-Serrano

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UAIC's Participation at Wikipedia Retrieval @ ImageCLEF 2011
Emanuela Boros | Alexandru-Lucian Gînsca | Adrian Iftene

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SINAI at ImageCLEF Wikipedia Retrieval Task 2011: Testing Combined Systems
Miguel Ángel García Cumbreras | Manuel Carlos Díaz-Galiano | Luis Alfonso Ureña López | Javier Arias Buendía

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BTU DBIS' Multimodal Wikipedia Retrieval Runs at ImageCLEF 2011
David Zellhöfer | Thomas Böttcher

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DUTH at ImageCLEF 2011 Wikipedia Retrieval
Avi Arampatzis | Konstantinos Zagoris | Savvas A. Chatzichristofis

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DEMIR at ImageCLEFwiki 2011: Evaluating Different Weighting Schemes in Information Retrieval
Tolga Berber | Ali Hosseinzadeh Vahid | Okan Ozturkmenoglu | Roghaiyeh Gachpaz Hamed | Adil Alpkocak

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Evaluating Some Contextual Factors for Image Retrieval - ReDCAD Participation at ImageCLEF Wikipedia 2011
Hatem Awadi | Mouna Torjmen Khemakhem | Maher Ben Jemaa

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UNED-UV at Medical Retrieval Task of ImageCLEF 2011
Ángel Castellanos | Xaro Benavent | Joan Benavent | Ana García-Serrano

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The medGIFT Group in ImageCLEFmed 2011
Dimitrios Markonis | Ivan Eggel | Alba Garcia Seco de Herrera | Henning Müller

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IPL at ImageCLEF 2011 Medical Retrieval Task
Yiannis Gkoufas | Anna Morou | Theodore Kalamboukis

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Multi-facet Document Representation and Retrieval
Karam Abdulahhad | Jean-Pierre Chevallet | Catherine Berrut

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AUDR at ImageCLEF2011: Medical Retrieval Task
Junwu Luo | Xianglong Liu | Han Wang | Bo Lang

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Text and Content-based Approaches to Image Modality Classification and Retrieval for the ImageCLEF 2011 Medical Retrieval Track
Matthew S. Simpson | Md. Mahmudur Rahman | Srinivas Phadnis | Emilia Apostolova | Dina Demner-Fushman | Sameer K. Antani | George R. Thoma

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LABERINTO at ImageCLEF 2011 Medical Image Retrieval Task
Jacinto Mata | Mariano Crespo | Manuel J. Maña López

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UESTC at ImageCLEF 2011 Medical Retrieval Task
Hong Wu | Chengbo Tian

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UNT at ImageCLEF 2011: Relevance Models and Salient Semantic Analysis for Image Retrieval
Miguel E. Ruiz | Chee Wee Leong | Samer Hassan

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DEMIR at ImageCLEFMed 2011: Evaluation of Fusion Techniques for Multimodal Content-based Medical Image Retrieval
Adil Alpkocak | Okan Ozturkmenoglu | Tolga Berber | Ali Hosseinzadeh Vahid | Roghaiyeh Gachpaz Hamed

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RECOD at ImageCLEF 2011: Medical Modality Classification using Genetic Programming
Fábio Augusto Faria | Rodrigo Tripodi Calumby | Ricardo da Silva Torres

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Multi-disciplinary Modality Classification for Medical Images
Viktor Gál | Illés Solt | Tom Gedeon | Mike Nachtegael

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XRCE's Participation at Patent Image Classification and Image-based Patent Retrieval Tasks of the Clef-IP 2011
Gabriela Csurka | Jean-Michel Renders | Guillaume Jacquet

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Testing a Method for Statistical Image Classification in Image Retrieval
Christoph Rasche | Constantin Vertan

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The Fraunhofer IDMT at ImageCLEF 2011 Photo Annotation Task
Karolin Nagel | Stefanie Nowak | Uwe Kühhirt | Kay Wolter

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LIG-MRIM at Image Photo Annotation Task in ImageCLEF 2011
Rami Albatal | Bahjat Safadi | Georges Quénot | Philippe Mulhem

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MUFIN at ImageCLEF 2011: Success or Failure?
Petra Budíková | Michal Batko | Pavel Zezula

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MLKD's Participation at the CLEF 2011 Photo Annotation and Concept-Based Retrieval Tasks
Eleftherios Spyromitros Xioufis | Konstantinos Sechidis | Grigorios Tsoumakas | Ioannis P. Vlahavas

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LIRIS-Imagine at ImageCLEF 2011 Photo Annotation Task
Ningning Liu | Yu Zhang | Emmanuel Dellandréa | Stéphane Bres | Liming Chen

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Annotation and Retrieval System Using Confabulation Model for ImageCLEF2011 Photo Annotation
Ryo Izawa | Naoki Motohashi | Tomohiro Takagi

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NII, Japan at ImageCLEF 2011 Photo Annotation Task
Duy-Dinh Le | Shin'ichi Satoh

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The Joint Submission of the TU Berlin and Fraunhofer FIRST (TUBFI) to the ImageCLEF2011 Photo Annotation Task
Alexander Binder | Wojciech Samek | Marius Kloft | Christina Müller | Klaus-Robert Müller | Motoaki Kawanabe

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CEA LIST's Participation to Visual Concept Detection Task of ImageCLEF 2011
Amel Znaidia | Hervé Le Borgne | Adrian Popescu

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REGIMvid at ImageCLEF2011: Integrating Contextual Information to Enhance Photo Annotation and Concept-based Retrieval
Amel Ksibi | Anis Ben Ammar | Chokri Ben Amar

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Semantic Contexts and Fisher Vectors for the ImageCLEF 2011 Photo Annotation Task
Yu Su | Frédéric Jurie

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Sample Selection, Category Specific Features and Reasoning
Eugene Mbanya | Sebastian Gerke | Christian Hentschel | Patrick Ndjiki-Nya

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SZTAKI @ ImageCLEF 2011
Bálint Daróczy | Róbert Pethes | András A. Benczúr

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The University of Amsterdam's Concept Detection System at ImageCLEF 2011
Koen E. A. van de Sande | Cees G. M. Snoek

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DAEDALUS at ImageCLEF 2011 Plant Identification Task: Using SIFT Keypoints for Object Detection
Julio Villena-Román | Sara Lana-Serrano | José Carlos González Cristóbal

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Participation of INRIA & Pl@ntNet to ImageCLEF 2011 Plant Images Classification Task
Hervé Goëau | Alexis Joly | Itheri Yahiaoui | Pierre Bonnet | Elise Mouysset

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IFSC/USP at ImageCLEF 2011: Plant Identication Task
Dalcimar Casanova | João Batista Florindo | Odemir Martinez Bruno

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Guiding Active Contours for Tree Leaf Segmentation and Identification
Guillaume Cerutti | Laure Tougne | Julien Mille | Antoine Vacavant | Didier Coquin

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Sabanci-Okan System at ImageClef 2011: Plant Identification Task
Berrin A. Yanikoglu | Erchan Aptoula | Caglar Tirkaz

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RMIT at ImageCLEF 2011 Plant Identification
Rahayu A. Hamid | James A. Thom


CLEF: Question Answering for Machine Reading Evaluation

Overview papers:

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Overview of QA4MRE at CLEF 2011: Question Answering for Machine Reading Evaluation
Anselmo Peñas | Eduard H. Hovy | Pamela Forner | Álvaro Rodrigo | Richard F. E. Sutcliffe | Corina Forascu | Caroline Sporleder

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Overview of the QA4MRE Pilot Task: Annotating Modality and Negation for a Machine Reading Evaluation
Roser Morante | Walter Daelemans

Participant papers:

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Graph-based Word Clustering Applied to Question Answering and Reading Comprehension Tests
Juan Martínez-Romo | Lourdes Araujo

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Question Answering for Machine Reading Evaluation on Romanian and English Languages
Adrian Iftene | Alexandru-Lucian Gînsca | Mihai Alex Moruz | Diana Trandabat | Maria Husarciuc

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Cosine Similarity as Machine Reading Technique
Gaurav Arora | Prasenjit Majumder

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A Hybrid Question Answering System based on Information Retrieval and Answer Validation
Partha Pakray | Pinaki Bhaskar | Somnath Banerjee | Bidhan Chandra Pal | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay | Alexander F. Gelbukh

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Retrieval-based Question Answering for Machine Reading Evaluation
Suzan Verberne

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The LogAnswer Project at QA4MRE 2011
Ingo Glöckner | Björn Pelzer | Tiansi Dong

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Dependency-Based Answer Validation for German
Svitlana Babych | Alexander Henn | Jan Pawellek | Sebastian Padó

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Question Answering for Machine Reading with Lexical Chain
Ling Cao | Xipeng Qiu | Xuanjing Huang

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The DI@UE's Participation in QA4MRE: from QA to Multiple Choice Challenge
José Saias | Paulo Quaresma

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Text Mining in Biograph
Walter Daelemans


CLEF: Uncovering Plagiarism, Authorship and Social Software Misuse

Overview papers:

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Overview of the 3rd International Competition on Plagiarism Detection
Martin Potthast | Andreas Eiselt | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Benno Stein | Paolo Rosso

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Overview of the International Authorship Identification Competition at PAN-2011
Shlomo Argamon | Patrick Juola

Participant papers:

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Approaches for Intrinsic and External Plagiarism Detection - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Gabriel Oberreuter | Gaston L'Huillier | Sebastián A. Ríos | Juan D. Velásquez

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Improved Implementation for Finding Text Similarities in Large Sets of Data - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Ján Grman | Rudolf Ravas

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The Encoplot Similarity Measure for Automatic Detection of Plagiarism - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Cristian Grozea | Marius Popescu

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A High-performance Plagiarism Detection System - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Neil Cooke | Lee Gillam | Peter Wrobel | Henry Cooke | Fahad Al-Obaidli

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Crosslingual CoReMo System (Contextual Reference Monotony) - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Diego Antonio Rodríguez Torrejón | José Manuel Martín Ramos

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Rule Based Plagiarism Detection using Information Retrieval - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Aniruddha Ghosh | Pinaki Bhaskar | Santanu Pal | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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External & Intrinsic Plagiarism Detection: VSM & Discourse Markers based Approach - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Sameer Rao | Parth Gupta | Khushboo Singhal | Prasenjit Majumder

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Using WordNet-based Semantic Similarity Measurement in External Plagiarism Detection - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Yurii Palkovskii | Alexei Belov | Iryna Muzyka

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External Plagiarism Detection using Information Retrieval and Sequence Alignment - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab | Mark Stevenson | Paul D. Clough

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Intrinsic Plagiarism Detection Using Character Trigram Distance Scores - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Mike Kestemont | Kim Luyckx | Walter Daelemans

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Using Clustering to Identify Outlier Chunks of Text - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Navot Akiva

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A Multitude of Linguistically-rich Features for Authorship Attribution - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Ludovic Tanguy | Assaf Urieli | Basilio Calderone | Nabil Hathout | Franck Sajous

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Author Identification Using Semi-supervised Learning - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Ioannis Kourtis | Efstathios Stamatatos

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EPSMS and the Document Occurrence Representation for Authorship Identification - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Hugo Jair Escalante

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Authorship Identification in Large Email Collections: Experiments Using Features that Belong to Different Linguistic Levels - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
George K. Mikros | Kostas Perifanos

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Vote/Veto Meta-Classifier for Authorship Identification - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Roman Kern | Christin Seifert | Mario Zechner | Michael Granitzer

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Baseline Approaches for the Authorship Identification Task - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Darnes Vilariño Ayala | Esteban Castillo | David Pinto | Saúl León | Mireya Tovar

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Authorship Identification of E-mail as a Multi-Class Task - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Kim Luyckx

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Authorship Identification with Modality Specific Meta Features - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Thamar Solorio | Sangita Pillay | Manuel Montes-y-Gómez

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Multilingual Vandalism Detection using Language-Independent & Ex Post Facto Evidence - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Andrew G. West | Insup Lee

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Detecting Wikipedia Vandalism using Machine Learning - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
Cristian-Alexandru Dragusanu | Marina Cufliuc | Adrian Iftene

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An Empirical Research: "Wikipedia Vandalism Detection using VandalSense 2.0" - Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011
F. Gediz Aksit


TREC: Microblog

Overview papers:

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Overview of the TREC 2011 Microblog Track
Iadh Ounis | Craig Macdonald | Jimmy Lin | Ian Soboroff

Participant papers:

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PRIS at TREC 2011 Microblog Track
Yan Li | Zhenhua Zhang | Wenlong Lv | Qianlong Xie | Yuhang Lin | Rao Xu | Weiran Xu | Guang Chen | Jun Guo

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ICTNET at Microblog Track TREC 2011
Peng Cao | Jinhua Gao | Yubao Yu | Shenghua Liu | Yue Liu | Xueqi Cheng

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Author Model and Negative Feedback Methods on TREC 2011 Microblog Track
Rui Li | Binjie Wei | Kai Lu | Bin Wang

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Exploring Tweets Normalization and Query Time Sensitivity for Twitter Search
Zhongyu Wei | Wei Gao | Lanjun Zhou | Binyang Li | Kam-Fai Wong

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DUTIR at TREC 2011 Microblog Track
Cunhui Shi | Kejiang Ren | Hongfei Lin | Shaowu Zhang

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WISTUD at TREC 2011: Microblog Track: Exploiting Background Knowledge from DBpedia and News Articles for Search on Twitter
Ke Tao | Fabian Abel | Claudia Hauff

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FUB, IASI-CNR, UNIVAQ at TREC 2011 Microblog Track
Gianni Amati | Giuseppe Amodeo | Marco Bianchi | Giuseppe Marcone | Fondazione Ugo Bordoni | Carlo Gaibisso | Giorgio Gambosi | Alessandro Celi | Cesidio Di Nicola | Michele Flammini

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Microblog Track 2011 of FDU
Bingqing Wang | Xuanjing Huang

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GUCAS at TREC 2011 Microblog Track
Xin Zhang | Kai Hui | Ben He | Tiejian Luo

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HIT_LTRC at TREC 2011 Microblog Track
Yun Li | Xishuang Dong | Yi Guan

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Query Expansion for Microblog Retrieval
Ayan Bandyopadhyay | Mandar Mitra | Prasenjit Majumder

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IRIT at TREC Microblog 2011
Firas Damak | Lamjed Ben Jabeur | Guillaume Cabanac | Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat | Lynda Tamine | Mohand Boughanem

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ISTI@TREC Microblog Track 2011: Exploring the Use of Hashtag Segmentation and Text Quality Ranking
Giacomo Berardi | Andrea Esuli | Diego Marcheggiani | Fabrizio Sebastiani

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BEST of KAUST at TREC 2011: Building Effective Search in Twitter
Jinling Jiang | Lailatul Hidayah | Hany E. Ramadan | Tamer Elsayed

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Realtime Ad Hoc Search in Twitter: Know-Center at TREC Microblog Track 2011
Christopher Horn | Oliver Pimas | Michael Granitzer | Elisabeth Lex

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TREC 2011 Microblog Track Experiments at Kobe University
Taiki Miyanishi | Naoto Okamura | Xiaoxi Liu | Kazuhiro Seki | Kuniaki Uehara

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Exploiting Social #-Tagging Behavior in Twitter for Information Filtering and Recommendation
Ernesto Diaz-Aviles | Patrick Siehndel | Kaweh Djafari Naini

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NUSIS at TREC 2011 Microblog Track: Refining Query Results with Hashtags
Hadi Amiri | Yang Bao | Anindya Datta | Xiaoying Xu | Anqi Cui

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PKU_ICST at TREC 2011 Microblog Track
Feng Liang | Runwei Qiang | Jianwu Yang

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Query Expansion and Message-Passing Algorithms for TREC Microblog Track
Dzung Hong | Qifan Wang | Dan Zhang | Luo Si

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QCRI @ TREC 2011: Microblog Track
Ali El Kahki | Kareem Darwish

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Microblog Retrieval Using Topical Features and Query Expansion
Cher Han Lau | Yuefeng Li | Dian Tjondronegoro

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RMIT at TREC 2011 Microblog Track
Matthias Petri | J. Shane Culpepper | Falk Scholer

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10 Weeks to TREC: STIRS Siena's Twitter Information Retrieval System
Sharon Gower Small | Darren Lim | Karl Appel | Denis Kalic | Matthew Kemmer | David Purcell | Carl Tompkins | Chan Tran

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DMIR on Microblog Track 2011
Wen Li | Carsten Eickhoff | Arjen P. de Vries

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Time-Sensitive Weighting for Microblog Retrieval
Hao Wu | Hui Fang

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Simple Rank-Based Filtering for Microblog Retrieval: Implications for Evaluation and Test Collections
Ben Carterette | Naveen Kumar | Ashwani Rao | Dongqing Zhu

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Online Topic Modeling for Real-Time Twitter Search
Christan Earl Grant | Clint P. George | Chris Jenneisch | Joseph N. Wilson

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University of Glasgow at TREC 2011: Experiments with Terrier in Crowdsourcing, Microblog, and Web Tracks
Richard McCreadie | Craig Macdonald | Rodrygo L. T. Santos | Iadh Ounis

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University of Glasgow (UGLA-D) at TREC Microblog 2011: Temporal Pseudo-Relevance Feedback in Microblog Retrieval
Stewart Whiting | Iraklis A. Klampanos | Joemon M. Jose

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The University of Illinois' Graduate School of Library and Information Science at TREC 2011
Miles Efron

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University of Indonesia at TREC 2011 Microblog Task
Samuel Louvan | Mochamad Ibrahim | Mirna Adriani | Clara Vania | Bayu Distiawan | Metti Zakaria Wanagiri

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The University of Iowa at TREC 2011: Microblogs, Medical Records and Crowdsourcing
Sanmitra Bhattacharya | Christopher G. Harris | Yelena Mejova | Chao Yang | Padmini Srinivasan

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LiveTweet: Microblog Retrieval Based on Interestingness and an Adaptation of the Vector Space Model
Arifah Che Alhadi | Thomas Gottron | Jérôme Kunegis | Nasir Naveed

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University of Lugano at TREC 2011 Microblog Track
Giacomo Inches

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Melbourne Language Group Microblog Track Report
Bo Han | Marco Lui | Timothy Baldwin

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USC/ISI at TREC 2011: Microblog Track
Donald Metzler | Congxing Cai

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University of Waterloo at TREC 2011 Microblog Track
Adam Roegiest | Gordon V. Cormack

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University of Wolverhampton at the TREC 2011 Microblog Track
Georgios Paltoglou | Mike Thelwall

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Yandex at TREC 2011 Microblog Track
Zlata Obukhovskaya | Konstantin Pervyshev | Andrey Styskin | Pavel Serdyukov


TREC: Session

Overview papers:

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Overview of the TREC 2011 Session Track
Evangelos Kanoulas | Mark M. Hall | Paul D. Clough | Ben Carterette | Mark Sanderson

Participant papers:

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Webis at the TREC 2011 Session Track
Matthias Hagen | Jan Graßegger | Maximilian Michel | Benno Stein

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BUPT_WILDCAT at TREC 2011 Session Track
Tang Liu | Chuang Zhang | Yasi Gao | Wenjun Xiao | Hao Huang

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ICTNET at Session Track TREC 2011
Mingxhuan Wei | Yuanhai Xue | Chen Xu | Xiaoming Yu | Yue Liu | Xueqi Cheng

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DUTIR at the Session Track in TREC 2011
Wenfei Liu | Hongfei Lin | Yunlong Ma | Tianshu Chang

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CWI at TREC 2011: Session, Web, and Medical
Jiyin He | Vera Hollink | Corrado Boscarino | Arjen P. de Vries | Roberto Cornacchia

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RGU-ISTI-Essex at TREC 2011 Session Track
Ibrahim Adeyanju | Dawei Song | Franco Maria Nardini | M-Dyaa Albakour | Udo Kruschwitz

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RMIT at TREC 2011 Session Track
Lorena Leal Bando | Sadegh Kharazmi | Jasbir Dhaliwal | Mark Sanderson | Falk Scholer | Sargol Sadeghi | Fahad Alahmari

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Rutgers at the TREC 2011 Session Track
Chang Liu | Si Sun | Michael J. Cole | Nicholas J. Belkin

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The University of Amsterdam at the TREC 2011 Session Track
Bouke Huurnink | Richard Berendsen | Katja Hofmann | Edgar Meij | Maarten de Rijke

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Implicit Feedback and Document Filtering for Retrieval Over Query Sessions
Ben Carterette | Praveen Chandar

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University of Essex at LogCLEF 2011: Studying Query Refinement
M-Dyaa Albakour | Udo Kruschwitz

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PITT at TREC 2011 Session Track
Jiepu Jiang | Shuguang Han | Jia Wu | Daqing He


NTCIR: GeoTime

Overview papers:

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NTCIR9-GeoTime Overview - Evaluating Geographic and Temporal Search: Round 2
Fredric C. Gey | Ray R. Larson | Jorge Machado | Masaharu Yoshioka

Participant papers:

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The Use of Inference Network Models in NTCIR-9 GeoTime
Christopher G. Harris

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Geo-temporal Information Retrieval Based on Semantic Role Labeling and Rank Aggregation
Yoonjae Jeong | Gwan Jang | Kyung-Min Kim | Sung-Hyon Myaeng

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Modification of Vocabulary-based Re-ranking for Geographic and Temporal Searching at NTCIR GeoTime Task
Kazuaki Kishida | Ikuko Matsushita

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Probabilistic Text Retrieval for NTCIR9 GeoTime
Ray R. Larson

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Geo-Temporal retrieval filtering versus answer resolution using Wikipedia
Jorge Machado | José Borbinha | Bruno Martins

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SINAI at NTCIR-9 GeoTime: a filtering and reranking approach based solely on geographical entities
José M. Perea-Ortega | Miguel Ángel García Cumbreras | Manuel García Vega | Luis Alfonso Ureña López

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University of Alicante at NTCIR-9 GeoTime
Fernando Samuel Peregrino | David Tomás | Fernando Llopis Pascual

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NTCIR-9 GeoTime at Osaka Kyoiku University - Toward Automatic Extraction of Place/Time Terms -
Takashi Sato

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GeoTime Retrieval through Passage-based Learning to Rank
Xiaolin Wang | Hai Zhao | Bao-Liang Lu

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RMIT and Gunma University at NTCIR-9 GeoTime Task
Michiko Yasukawa | J. Shane Culpepper | Falk Scholer | Matthias Petri

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ABRIR at NTCIR-9 GeoTime Task Usage of Wikipedia and GeoNames for Handling Named Entity Information
Masaharu Yoshioka



Overview papers:

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Overview of the NTCIR-9 INTENT Task
Ruihua Song | Min Zhang | Tetsuya Sakai | Makoto P. Kato | Yiqun Liu | Miho Sugimoto | Qinglei Wang | Naoki Orii

Participant papers:

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ICTIR Subtopic Mining System at NTCIR-9 INTENT Task
Shuai Zhang | Kai Lu | Bin Wang

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University of Glasgow at the NTCIR-9 Intent task: Experiments with Terrier on Subtopic Mining and Document Ranking
Rodrygo L. T. Santos | Craig Macdonald | Iadh Ounis

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Microsoft Research Asia at the NTCIR-9 Intent Task
Jialong Han | Qinglei Wang | Naoki Orii | Zhicheng Dou | Tetsuya Sakai | Ruihua Song

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Yufei Xue | Fei Chen | Tong Zhu | Chao Wang | Zhichao Li | Yiqun Liu | Min Zhang | Yijiang Jin | Shaoping Ma

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NTU Approaches to Subtopic Mining and Document Ranking at NTCIR-9 Intent Task
Chieh-Jen Wang | Yung-Wei Lin | Ming-Feng Tsai | Hsin-Hsi Chen

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The KLE's Subtopic Mining System for the NTCIR-9 INTENT Task
Se-Jong Kim | Hwidong Na | Jong-Hyeok Lee

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Qualifier Mining for NTCIR-INTENT
Haitao Yu | Fuji Ren | Song Liu

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RMIT and Gunma University at NTCIR-9 Intent Task
Michiko Yasukawa | J. Shane Culpepper | Falk Scholer | Matthias Petri

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Redundancy Removal to Selectively Diversify Information Retrieval Results
Xiaolin Wang | Hai Zhao | Bao-Liang Lu

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UWaterloo at NTCIR-9: Intent discovery with anchor text
John A. Akinyemi | Charles L. A. Clarke

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HITSCIR System in NTCIR-9 Subtopic Mining Task
Wei Song | Yu Zhang | Handong Gao | Ting Liu | Sheng Li

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The Report on Subtopic Mining and Document Ranking of NTCIR-9 Intent Task
Wei-Lun Xiao | Shih-Hung Wu | Liang-Pu Chen | Tsun Ku

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ISCAS at Subtopic Mining Task in NTCIR9
Xue Jiang | Xianpei Han | Le Sun

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Mining Search Subtopics from Query Logs
Dan Zhu | Jianwei Cui | Jun He | Xiaoyong Du | Hongyan Liu

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HIT^ Joint NLP Lab at the NTCIR-9 Intent Task
Dongqing Xiao | Haoliang Qi | Jingbin Gao | Zhongyuan Han | Muyun Yang | Sheng Li

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Overview of NTCIR-9 1CLICK
Tetsuya Sakai | Makoto P. Kato | Young-In Song

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Information Extraction based Approach for the NTCIR-9 1CLICK Task
Makoto P. Kato | Meng Zhao | Kosetsu Tsukuda | Yoshiyuki Shoji | Takehiro Yamamoto | Hiroaki Ohshima | Katsumi Tanaka

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TTOKU Summarization Based Systems at NTCIR-9 1CLICK task
Hajime Morita | Takuya Makino | Tetsuya Sakai | Hiroya Takamura | Manabu Okumura

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Microsoft Research Asia at the NTCIR-9 1CLICK Task
Naoki Orii | Young-In Song | Tetsuya Sakai


NTCIR: SpokenDoc

Overview papers:

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Overview of the IR for Spoken Documents Task in NTCIR-9 Workshop
Tomoyosi Akiba | Hiromitsu Nishizaki | Kiyoaki Aikawa | Tatsuya Kawahara | Tomoko Matsui

Participant papers:

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Spoken Term Detection Using Multiple Speech Recognizers' Outputs at NTCIR-9 SpokenDoc STD subtask
Hiromitsu Nishizaki | Yuto Furuya | Satoshi Natori | Yoshihiro Sekiguchi

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High speed spoken term detection by combination of n-gram array of a syllable lattice and LVCSR result for NTCIR-SpokenDoc
Keisuke Iwami | Seiichi Nakagawa

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Spoken document retrieval method combining query expansion with continuous syllable recognition for NTCIR-SpokenDoc
Satoru Tsuge | Hiromasa Ohashi | Norihide Kitaoka | Kazuya Takeda | Kenji Kita

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DCU at the NTCIR-9 SpokenDoc Passage Retrieval Task
Maria Eskevich | Gareth J. F. Jones

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Toward improvement of SDR accuracy using LDA and query expansion for SpokenDoc
Kiichi Hasegawa | Hideki Sekiya | Masanori Takehara | Taro Niinomi | Satoshi Tamura | Satoru Hayamizu

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STD based on Hough Transform and SDR using STD results: Experiments at NTCIR-9 SpokenDoc
Taisuke Kaneko | Tomoko Takigami | Tomoyosi Akiba

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Utilization of Suffix Array for Quick STD and Its Evaluation on the NTCIR-9 SpokenDoc Task
Kouichi Katsurada | Koudai Katsuura | Yurie Iribe | Tsuneo Nitta

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Spoken Document Retrieval Experiments for SpokenDoc at Ryukoku University (RYSDT)
Hiroaki Nanjo | Kazuyuki Noritake | Takehiko Yoshimi

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An STD system for OOV query terms using various subword units
Hiroyuki Saito | Takuya Nakano | Shiro Narumi | Toshiaki Chiba | Kazuma Konno | Yoshiaki Itoh

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YLAB@RU at Spoken Term Detection Task in NTCIR-9
Yoichi Yamashita | Toru Matsunaga | Kook Cho



Overview papers:

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Overview of NTCIR-9 RITE: Recognizing Inference in TExt
Hideki Shima | Hiroshi Kanayama | Cheng-Wei Lee | Chuan-Jie Lin | Teruko Mitamura | Yusuke Miyao | Shuming Shi | Koichi Takeda

Participant papers:

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A Machine Learning based Textual Entailment Recognition System of JAIST Team for NTCIR9 RITE
Minh Quang Nhat Pham | Le Minh Nguyen | Akira Shimazu

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Predicate-argument Structure based Textual Entailment Recognition System of KYOTO Team for NTCIR9 RITE
Tomohide Shibata | Sadao Kurohashi

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UIOWA at NTCIR-9 RITE: Using the Power of the Crowd to Establish Inference Rules
Christopher G. Harris

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ICRC_HITSZ at RITE: Leveraging Multiple Classifiers Voting for Textual Entailment Recognition
Yaoyun Zhang | Jun Xu | Chenlong Liu | Xiaolong Wang | Ruifeng Xu | Qingcai Chen | Xuan Wang | Yongshuai Hou | Buzhou Tang

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NTTCS Textual Entailment Recognition System for NTCIR-9 RITE
Yasuhiro Akiba | Hirotoshi Taira | Sanae Fujita | Kaname Kasahara | Masaaki Nagata

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FudanNLP at RITE 2011: a Shallow Semantic Approach to Textual Entailment
Ling Cao | Xipeng Qiu | Xuanjing Huang

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IMTKU Textual Entailment System for Recognizing Inference in Text at NTCIR-9 RITE
Min-Yuh Day | Re-Yuan Lee | Cheng-Tai Liu | Chun Tu | Chin-Sheng Tseng | Loong Tern Yap | Allen-Green C. L. Huang | Yu-Hsuan Chiu | Wei-Ze Hong

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The Yuntech System in NTCIR-9 RITE Task
Nai-Hsuan Han | Lun-Wei Ku

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NTU Textual Entailment System for NTCIR 9 RITE Task
Hen-Hsen Huang | Kai-Chun Chang | James M. C. Haver II | Hsin-Hsi Chen

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The Description of the NTOU RITE System in NTCIR-9
Chuan-Jie Lin | Bo-Yu Hsiao

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WUST SVM-Based System at NTCIR-9 RITE Task
Maofu Liu | Yan Li | Yu Xiao | Chunwei Lei

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Recognizing Text Entailment via Syntactic Tree Matching
Zhewei Mai | Yue Zhang | Donghong Ji

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A Textual Entailment System using Web based Machine Translation System
Partha Pakray | Snehasis Neogi | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay | Alexander F. Gelbukh

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The WHUTE System in NTCIR-9 RITE Task
Han Ren | Chen Lv | Donghong Ji

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Cheng-Wei Shih | Cheng-Wei Lee | Ting-Hao Yang | Wen-Lian Hsu

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LTI's Textual Entailment Recognizer System at NTCIR-9 RITE
Hideki Shima | Yuanpeng Li | Naoki Orii | Teruko Mitamura

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ZSWSL Text Entailment Recognizing System at NTCIR-9 RITE Task
Ranxu Su | Sheng Shang | Pan Wang | Haixu Liu | Yan Zheng

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Experiments for NTCIR-9 RITE Task at Shibaura Institute of Technology
Toru Sugimoto

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Syntactic Difference Based Approach for NTCIR-9 RITE Task
Yuta Tsuboi | Hiroshi Kanayama | Masaki Ohno | Yuya Unno

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Experiments of FX for NTCIR-9 RITE Japanese BC Subtask
Hiroshi Umemoto | Keigo Hattori

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TU Group at NTCIR9-RITE: Leveraging Diverse Lexical Resources for Recognizing Textual Entailment
Yotaro Watanabe | Junta Mizuno | Eric Nichols | Katsuma Narisawa | Keita Nabeshima | Kentaro Inui

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Binary-class and Multi-class Chinese Textural Entailment System Description in NTCIR-9 RITE
Shih-Hung Wu | Wan-Chi Huang | Liang-Pu Chen | Tsun Ku

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MCU at NTCIR: A Resources Limited Chinese Textual Entailment Recognition System
Yu-Chieh Wu | Chung-Jung Lee | Yaw-Chu Chen

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ICL Participation at NTCIR-9 RITE
Xing Xu | Houfeng Wang


NTCIR: Crossurl

Overview papers:

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Overview of the NTCIR-9 Crosslink Task: Cross-lingual Link Discovery
Ling-Xiang Tang | Shlomo Geva | Andrew Trotman | Yue Xu | Kelly Y. Itakura

Participant papers:

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Using Concept base and Wikipedia for Cross-Lingual Link Discovery
Pham Huy Anh | Takashi Yukawa

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IISR Crosslink Approach at NTCIR 9 CLLD Task
Chun-Yuan Cheng | Yu-Chun Wang | Richard Tzong-Han Tsai

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HITS' Graph-based System at the NTCIR-9 Cross-lingual Link Discovery Task
Angela Fahrni | Vivi Nastase | Michael Strube

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English-to-Korean Cross-linking of Wikipedia Articles at KSLP
In-Su Kang | Ralph Marigomen

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Cross-lingual Link Discovery by Using Link Probability and Bilingual Dictionary
Sin-Jae Kang

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UKP at CrossLink: Anchor Text Translation for Cross-lingual Link Discovery
Jungi Kim | Iryna Gurevych

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KMI, The Open University at NTCIR-9 CrossLink: Cross-Lingual Link Discovery in Wikipedia Using Explicit Semantic Analysis
Petr Knoth | Lukás Zilka | Zdenek Zdráhal

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Discovering Links by Context Similarity and Translated Key Phrases for NTCIR9 CrossLink
Yi-Hsun Lee | Chung-Yao Chuang | Cen-Chieh Chen | Wen-Lian Hsu

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WUST EN-CS Crosslink System at NTCIR-9 CLLD Task
Maofu Liu | Le Kang | Shuang Yang | Hong Zhang

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Automated Cross-lingual Link Discovery in Wikipedia
Ling-Xiang Tang | Daniel Cavanagh | Andrew Trotman | Shlomo Geva | Yue Xu | Laurianne Sitbon

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Multi-filtering Method Based Cross-lingual Link Discovery
Yingfan Gao | Hongjiao Xu | Junsheng Zhang | Huilin Wang



Overview papers:

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Overview of the Patent Machine Translation Task at the NTCIR-9 Workshop
Isao Goto | Bin Lu | Ka-Po Chow | Eiichiro Sumita | Benjamin K. Tsou

Participant papers:

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BBN's Systems for the Chinese-English Sub-task of the NTCIR-9 PatentMT Evaluation
Jeff Z. Ma | Spyros Matsoukas

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NTT-UT Statistical Machine Translation in NTCIR-9 PatentMT
Katsuhito Sudoh | Kevin Duh | Hajime Tsukada | Masaaki Nagata | Xianchao Wu | Takuya Matsuzaki | Jun'ichi Tsujii

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The NiuTrans Machine Translation System for NTCIR-9 PatentMT
Tong Xiao | Qiang Li | Qi Lu | Hao Zhang | Haibo Ding | Shujie Yao | Xiaoming Xu | Xiaoxu Fei | Jingbo Zhu | Feiliang Ren | Huizhen Wang

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The RWTH Aachen System for NTCIR-9 PatentMT
Minwei Feng | Christoph Schmidt | Joern Wuebker | Stephan Peitz | Markus Freitag | Hermann Ney

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IBM Chinese-to-English PatentMT System for NTCIR-9
Young-Suk Lee | Bing Xiang | Bing Zhao | Martin Franz | Salim Roukos | Yaser Al-Onaizan

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Use of the Japio Technical Field Dictionaries for NTCIR-PatentMT
Tadaaki Oshio | Tomoharu Mitsuhashi | Tsuyoshi Kakita

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LIUM's Statistical Machine Translation System for the NTCIR Chinese/English PatentMT
Holger Schwenk | Sadaf Abdul-Rauf

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Machine translation system for patent documents combining rule-based translation and statistical post-editing applied to the PatentMT Task
Terumasa Ehara

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ZZX_MT: the BeiHang MT System for NTCIR-9 PatentMT Task
Wenhan Chao | Zhoujun Li

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ISTIC Statistical Machine Translation System for Patent machine translation in NTCIR-9
Yanqing He | Chongde Shi | Huilin Wang

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System Description of BJTU-NLP SMT for NTCIR-9 PatentMT
Junjie Jiang | Jinan Xu | Youfang Lin | Yujie Zhang

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Learning of Linear Ordering Problems and its Application to J-E Patent Translation in NTCIR-9 PatentMT
Shuhei Kondo | Mamoru Komachi | Yuji Matsumoto | Katsuhito Sudoh | Kevin Duh | Hajime Tsukada

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Statistical Machine Translation with Rule based Machine Translation
Jin'ichi Murakami | Masato Tokuhisa

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POSTECH's Statistical Machine Translation Systems for NTCIR-9 PatentMT Task (English-to-Japanese)
Hwidong Na | Jinji Li | Se-Jong Kim | Jong-Hyeok Lee

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EBMT System of KYOTO Team in PatentMT Task at NTCIR-9
Toshiaki Nakazawa | Sadao Kurohashi

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Statistical Approaches to Patent Translation for PatentMT - Experiments with Various Settings of Training Data
Yuen-Hsien Tseng | Chao-Lin Liu | Chia-Chi Tsai | Jui-Ping Wang | Yi-Hsuan Chuang | James Jeng

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SMT Systems in the University of Tokyo for NTCIR-9 PatentMT
Xianchao Wu | Takuya Matsuzaki | Jun'ichi Tsujii

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The ICT's Patent MT System Description for NTCIR-9
Hao Xiong | Linfeng Song | Fandong Meng | Yajuan Lü | Qun Liu

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HPB SMT of FRDC Assisted by Paraphrasing for the NTCIR-9 PatentMT
Zhongguang Zheng | Naisheng Ge | Yao Meng | Hao Yu

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[PatentMT] Summary Report of Team III_CYUT_NTHU
Joseph Z. Chang | Ho-Ching Yen | Shih-Ting Huang | Ming-Zhuan Jiang | Chung-Chi Huang | Jason S. Chang | Ping-Che Yang