1975 Volume 26 Issue 2
- Anthology ID:
- 1975.jasis_journal-ir0anthology0volumeA26A2
- Year:
- 1975
Symbiotic development of thesauri and information systems: A case history
Eugene Wall
National publication and citation comparisons
Francis Narin
Mark P. Carpenter
Structure, effectiveness and benefits of LEXtractor, an operational computer program for automatic extraction of case summaries and dispositions from court decisions
Casimir Borkowski
J. Sperling Martin
Reduction of data generation costs
Daniel U. Wilde
H. David Chafe
Abstract readability as a factor in information systems
Gladys B. Dronberger
Gerald T. Kowitz
On the equivalence of boolean and weighted searching based on the convertibility of query forms
Pauline V. Angione
Comparison of checksum procedures by simulation
John M. Carroll
John Cakarnis
Review of information retrieval and documentation in chemistry. Charles H. Davis and James E. Rush. Westport, connecticut: Greenwood Press
Mike Koenig
Staff development and continuing education programs for library personnel: Guidelines and Criteria. Barbara Conroy, Boulder, Colorado: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, 23 p. (1974)
Edward John Kazlauskas
The Academic Library: In Honor of Guy R. Lyle. Edited by Ivan Ira Farber and Ruth Walling. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 171 pp. (1974)
John F. Harvey
Communication science and technology. Patrick R. Penland. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 205 p. (1974)
Rowena Weiss Swanson