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1977 Volume 28 Issue 2

Anthology ID:

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Data bases - A history of developments and trends from 1966 through 1975
Martha E. Williams

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Assessing the impact of computer technology on the performance of interlibrary loan networks
William B. Rouse | Sandra H. Rouse

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Economic modeling: An aid to the pricing of information services
Harriet W. Zais

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The identifier method of measuring use as applied to modeling the circulation use of books from a university library
Stephen J. Turner

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The informative act and its aftermath: Toward a predictive science of information
Marilyn M. Levine

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Nephis: A nested-phrase indexing system
Timothy C. Craven

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The relationship between author names and author entries in a large on-line union catalog as retrieved using truncated keys
Joseph D. Smith | James E. Rush

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STI in the land of RaD
Patrick Kelly | Francis W. Wolek

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Effecting Change in Library Education. Allan F: . Hershfield. Curriculum Design for Library and Information Science. Robert S. Taylor, Ed. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University School of Library Science, 87p. (1973). (Education and Curriculum Series No. 1)
Edward John Kazlauskas

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History of Librariea in the Western World. Third edition. Elmer D. Johnson and Michael H. Harris. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 354p. (1976). (ISBN 0-8108-0949-4; LC 76-25422). $1 0.00
John F. Harvey

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National and International Library Planning, Key Papere Resented at the 40th Session of the IFLA General Coundl, Washington, D.C., 1974. Robert Vosper and Leone I. Newkirk, Eds. Munich: Verlag Dokumentation, 162p. (1976). (IFLA Publication No. 4; ISBN 3-7940-44 24-X)
John F. Harvey

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Proceedings of the 1975 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing: The Use of Computers in Literature Searching and Related Reference Activities in Libraries. F. Wilfrid Lancaster, Ed. Urbana-Champaign, IL: University of Illinois, 159p. (1976). (ISBN 0-87845-043-2; LC 76-1790)
Rowena Weiss Swanson

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Major Classification Systems: The Dewey Centennial. Papers presented at the Allerton Park Institute, 9-12 November 1972. Kathryn Luther Henderson, Ed. Urbana-Champaign, IL: University of Illinois, Graduate Center of Library Science, 182p. 1976).( Allerton Park Institute No. 21; ISBN 0-87845-044-0; LC 76-236331)
Phyllis A. Richmond

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The SCATT Report: Designing a National Scientific and Technical Communication System. Russell L. Ackoff, Thomas A. Cowan, Wladimir M. Sachs, Maybeth L. Meditz, Peter Davis, James C. Emergy. and Martin C.J. Elton. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 173p. (1976). $12.00 (cloth)
Harold Wooster

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Advances in Librarianship. Volume 6. Melvin J. Voigt and Michael H. Harris, eds. New York: Academic Press, 291p. (1976). (ISBN 0-12-785006-6)
Jean K. Martin

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"Information" in information science - A definition
Nicholas J. Belkin

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Physics abbreviations and acronyms
Clive Bingley | Martha J. Bailey

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Information science and structure
William T. Knox