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1983 Volume 34 Issue 1

Anthology ID:

doi dblp
Alan Simkins

doi dblp
Question generation and formulation: An indication of information need
Esther E. Home

doi dblp
Towards a theory of document learning
Lorraine M. Purgailis Parker

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The BLEND system: Programme for the study of some "electronic journals"
Brian Shackel

doi dblp
Exploiting the maximum entropy principle to increase retrieval effectiveness
William S. Cooper

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Developing academic library decision support systems
Ronald W. Chorba | Michael R. W. Bommer

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Collection and characterization of spelling errors in scientific and scholarly text
Joseph J. Pollock | Antonio Zamora

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Validity of citation criteria for assessing the influence of scientific publications: New evidence with peer assessment
Stephen M. Lawani | Alan E. Bayer

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Entropy and information: A multidisciplinary overview
Debora Shaw | Charles H. Davis

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The effect of personal, professional, and psychological attributes, and information seeking behavior on the use of information sources by educators
Edward G. Summers | Joyce Matheson | Robert Conry

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1984 - A hoax?
Allan Whatley