1989 Volume 40 Issue 4
- Anthology ID:
- 1989.jasis_journal-ir0anthology0volumeA40A4
- Year:
- 1989
Manfred Kochen 1928-1989: Remembrances of a scholar and a gentle man
Michael D. Gordon
David C. Blair
Robert K. Lindsay
Retrieval effectiveness by semantic and citation searching
Miranda Lee Pao
Dennis B. Worthen
An approach to query cost modelling in numeric databases
Kalervo Järvelin
Recall cues in known-item retrieval
Bryce Allen
The computerized cataloguing of historic watercraft: A case study in information retrieval in museology
John E. Summers
Edward G. Summers
A descriptive analysis of the characteristics of the microcomputer periodical literature
Edward John Kazlauskas
Michele F. DeYoe
Katherine R. Smith
Evaluating academic science institutions in South Africa
Anastassios Pouris
Entry point depth and online search using a controlled vocabulary
Bert R. Boyce
John P. McLain
Laws of scattering applied to popular music
Kevin L. Cook
Citation behavior: Classification, utility, and location
V. Cano
Estimation of the publication potential in 50 U.S. states and in the District of Columbia based on the frequency distribution of scientific productivity
András Schubert
András Telcs