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2001 Volume 37 Issue 4

Anthology ID:

doi dblp
Retrieval effectiveness on the web
Jacques Savoy | Justin Picard

doi dblp
Iterative radial basis functions neural networks as metamodels of stochastic simulations of the quality of search engines in the World Wide Web
George V. Meghabghab

doi dblp
Deciphering cluster representations
Yasemin Kural | Stephen E. Robertson | Susan Jones

doi dblp
Ordered similarity measures taking into account the rank of documents
Christine Michel

doi dblp
Document ranking based upon Markov chains
Czelsaw Daniowicz | Jarosaw Baliski

doi dblp
TOFIR: A tool of facilitating information retrieval - introduce a visual retrieval model
Jin Zhang

doi dblp
Review - Christine L. Borgman, From Gutenberg to the Global Information Infrastructure: Access to Information in the Networked World, The MIT Press, 2000
Michael K. Buckland