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2001 Volume 52 Issue 4

Anthology ID:

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In this issue
Bert R. Boyce

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A corpus-based approach to comparative evaluation of statistical term association measures
Young Mee Chung | Jae Yun Lee

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Contrasting views of software engineering journals: Author cocitation choices and indexer vocabulary assignments
Linda S. Marion | Katherine W. McCain

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The effect of the Web on undergraduate citation behavior 1996-1999
Philip M. Davis | Suzanne A. Cohen

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Fitting the jigsaw of citation: Information visualization in domain analysis
Chaomei Chen | Ray J. Paul | Robert M. O'Keefe

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Using interactive visualizations of WWW log data to characterize access patterns and inform site design
Harry Hochheiser | Ben Shneiderman

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Effective ranking with arbitrary passages
Marcin Kaszkiel | Justin Zobel

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Book review: Information appliances and beyond: Interaction design for consumer products, Eric Bergman, editor
Charles Hanson