2003 Volume 54 Issue 4
- Anthology ID:
- 2003.jasis_journal-ir0anthology0volumeA54A4
- Year:
- 2003
Mathematical, Logical and Formal Methods in Information Retrieval: An Introduction to the Specia Issue
Fabio Crestani
Sándor Dominich
Mounia Lalmas
C. J. van Rijsbergen
Embedding Term Similarity and Inverse Document Frequency into a Logical Model of Information
David E. Losada
Alvaro Barreiro
Implementing Relevance Feedback in the Bayesian Network Retrieval Model
Luis M. de Campos
Juan M. Fernández-Luna
Juan F. Huete
Towards context sensitive information inference
Dawei Song
Peter Bruza
Unitary Operators on the Document Spac
Eduard Hoenkamp
Query expansion and query translation as logical inference
Jian-Yun Nie
Enhancing retrieval with hyperlinks: A general model based on propositional argumentation systems
Justin Picard
Jacques Savoy
Book reviews: The Creation and Persistance of Misinformation in Shared Library Catalogs: Language and Subject Knowledge in a Technical Era
Shirley J. Lincicum
Book Review: Digital creativity: Techniques for digital media and the Internet
James L. Van Roekel
Book reviews: Current theory in library and information science
Donald Owen Case
Book reviews: Models for library management, decision-making, and planning
Scott Nicholson