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2004 Volume 38 Issue 2

Anthology ID:

doi dblp
Ontologies and technologies: knowledge representation or misrepresentation
Kieron O'Hara

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What's new about the Semantic Web?: some questions
Karen Sparck Jones

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Third edition of the "XML and information retrieval" workshop first workshop on integration of IR and DB (WIRD) jointly held at SIGIR'2004, Sheffield, UK, July 29^, 2004
Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates | Yoëlle S. Maarek | Thomas Rölleke | Arjen P. de Vries

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SIGIR 2003 workshop on text analysis and search for bioinformatics
Eric W. Brown | William R. Hersh | Alfonso Valencia

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The SIGIR peer-to-peer information retrieval workshop
Jamie Callan | Norbert Fuhr

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Information retrieval for question answering a SIGIR 2004 workshop
Robert J. Gaizauskas | Mark Hepple | Mark A. Greenwood

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SIGIR 2004 workshop: RIA and "where can IR go from here?"
Donna Harman | Chris Buckley

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Information retrieval in context - IRiX: workshop at SIGIR 2004 - Sheffield
Peter Ingwersen | Nicholas J. Belkin

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Workshop on geographic information retrieval, SIGIR 2004
Ross Purves | Christopher B. Jones

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The SPIRIT collection: an overview of a large web collection
Hideo Joho | Mark Sanderson

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Exploiting markup structure for intelligent search
Udo Kruschwitz