2008 Volume 59 Issue 6
- Anthology ID:
- 2008.jasis_journal-ir0anthology0volumeA59A6
- Year:
- 2008
Dialogue act recognition using maximum entropy
Kwok Cheung Lan
Kei Shiu Ho
Robert Wing Pong Luk
Hong Va Leong
Shannon Meets Shortz: A Probabilistic Model of Crossword Puzzle Difficulty
Miles Efron
Hierarchical summarization of large documents
Christopher C. Yang
Fu Lee Wang
E-government access to social service information: State web resources for domestic violence survivors
Dee Dee Davenport
Jennifer Richey
Lynn Westbrook
Information science during the first decade of the web: An enriched author cocitation analysis
Dangzhi Zhao
Andreas Strotmann
What is user engagement? A conceptual framework for defining user engagement with technology
Heather L. O'Brien
Elaine G. Toms
Quantifying Scholarly Impact: IQp Versus the Hirsch h
John Antonakis
Rafael Lalive
Finding and using journal-article components: Impacts of disaggregation on teaching and research practice
Robert J. Sandusky
Carol Tenopir
Information quality work organization in wikipedia
Besiki Stvilia
Michael B. Twidale
Linda C. Smith
Les Gasser
On the epistemic significance of place
Blaise Cronin
Citers' use of citees' names: Findings from a qualitative interview-based study
Nigel Harwood
Controlled user evaluations of information visualization interfaces for text retrieval: Literature review and meta-analysis
Charles-Antoine Julien
John E. Leide
France Bouthillier