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2008 Volume 59 Issue 6

Anthology ID:

doi dblp
In this issue
Carol L. Barry

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Dialogue act recognition using maximum entropy
Kwok Cheung Lan | Kei Shiu Ho | Robert Wing Pong Luk | Hong Va Leong

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Shannon Meets Shortz: A Probabilistic Model of Crossword Puzzle Difficulty
Miles Efron

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Hierarchical summarization of large documents
Christopher C. Yang | Fu Lee Wang

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E-government access to social service information: State web resources for domestic violence survivors
Dee Dee Davenport | Jennifer Richey | Lynn Westbrook

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Information science during the first decade of the web: An enriched author cocitation analysis
Dangzhi Zhao | Andreas Strotmann

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What is user engagement? A conceptual framework for defining user engagement with technology
Heather L. O'Brien | Elaine G. Toms

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Quantifying Scholarly Impact: IQp Versus the Hirsch h
John Antonakis | Rafael Lalive

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Finding and using journal-article components: Impacts of disaggregation on teaching and research practice
Robert J. Sandusky | Carol Tenopir

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Information quality work organization in wikipedia
Besiki Stvilia | Michael B. Twidale | Linda C. Smith | Les Gasser

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On the epistemic significance of place
Blaise Cronin

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Citers' use of citees' names: Findings from a qualitative interview-based study
Nigel Harwood

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Controlled user evaluations of information visualization interfaces for text retrieval: Literature review and meta-analysis
Charles-Antoine Julien | John E. Leide | France Bouthillier