Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2011, Hyderabad, India, March 28 - April 1, 2011
Sadagopan Srinivasan, Krithi Ramamritham, Arun Kumar, M. P. Ravindra, Elisa Bertino, Ravi Kumar (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- 2011.wwwconf_conference-2011
- Year:
- 2011
- Venue:
- wwwconf_conference
- Publisher:
- conf/www/2011
How can scientists help to spread the web to all sections of the society
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Designing the web for an open society
Tim Berners-Lee
Games, algorithms, and the Internet
Christos H. Papadimitriou
Sparse hidden-dynamics conditional random fields for user intent understanding
Yelong Shen
Jun Yan
Shuicheng Yan
Lei Ji
Ning Liu
Zheng Chen
Characterizing search intent diversity into click models
Botao Hu
Yuchen Zhang
Weizhu Chen
Gang Wang
Qiang Yang
Addressing people's information needs directly in a web search result page
Lydia B. Chilton
Jaime Teevan
A unified framework for recommending diverse and relevant queries
Xiaofei Zhu
Jiafeng Guo
Xueqi Cheng
Pan Du
Huawei Shen
Improving recommendation for long-tail queries via templates
Idan Szpektor
Aristides Gionis
Yoelle Maarek
Learning to model relatedness for news recommendation
Yuanhua Lv
Taesup Moon
Pranam Kolari
Zhaohui Zheng
Xuanhui Wang
Yi Chang
Model characterization curves for federated search using click-logs: predicting user engagement metrics for the span of feasible operating points
Ashok Kumar Ponnuswami
Kumaresh Pattabiraman
Desmond Brand
Tapas Kanungo
Generalized link suggestions via web site clustering
Jangwon Seo
Fernando Diaz
Evgeniy Gabrilovich
Vanja Josifovski
Bo Pang
A self-training approach for resolving object coreference on the semantic web
Wei Hu
Jianfeng Chen
Yuzhong Qu
Query segmentation revisited
Matthias Hagen
Martin Potthast
Benno Stein
Christof Bräutigam
Context-sensitive query auto-completion
Ziv Bar-Yossef
Naama Kraus
Online spelling correction for query completion
Huizhong Duan
Bo-June Paul Hsu
An expressive mechanism for auctions on the web
Paul Dütting
Monika Henzinger
Ingmar Weber
Incentivizing high-quality user-generated content
Arpita Ghosh
R. Preston McAfee
Buy-it-now or take-a-chance: a simple sequential screening mechanism
L. Elisa Celis
Gregory Lewis
Markus M. Möbius
Hamid Nazerzadeh
Here, there, and everywhere: correlated online behaviors can lead to overestimates of the effects of advertising
Randall A. Lewis
Justin M. Rao
David H. Reiley
Adaptive policies for selecting groupon style chunked reward ads in a stochastic knapsack framework
Michael Grabchak
Narayan L. Bhamidipati
Rushi Bhatt
Dinesh Garg
A game theoretic formulation of the service provisioning problem in cloud systems
Danilo Ardagna
Barbara Panicucci
Mauro Passacantando
ARROW: GenerAting SignatuRes to Detect DRive-By DOWnloads
Junjie Zhang
Christian Seifert
Jack W. Stokes
Wenke Lee
Prophiler: a fast filter for the large-scale detection of malicious web pages
Davide Canali
Marco Cova
Giovanni Vigna
Christopher Kruegel
Heat-seeking honeypots: design and experience
John P. John
Fang Yu
Yinglian Xie
Arvind Krishnamurthy
Martín Abadi
Semi-supervised truth discovery
Xiaoxin Yin
Wenzhao Tan
SourceRank: relevance and trust assessment for deep web sources based on inter-source agreement
Raju Balakrishnan
Subbarao Kambhampati
Search result diversity for informational queries
Michael J. Welch
Junghoo Cho
Christopher Olston
Geographical topic discovery and comparison
Zhijun Yin
Liangliang Cao
Jiawei Han
Chengxiang Zhai
Thomas S. Huang
The web of topics: discovering the topology of topic evolution in a corpus
Yookyung Jo
John E. Hopcroft
Carl Lagoze
Unified analysis of streaming news
Amr Ahmed
Qirong Ho
Jacob Eisenstein
Eric P. Xing
Alexander J. Smola
Choon Hui Teo
Learning to re-rank: query-dependent image re-ranking using click data
Vidit Jain
Manik Varma
Video summarization via transferrable structured learning
Liangda Li
Ke Zhou
Gui-Rong Xue
Hongyuan Zha
Yong Yu
Towards semantic knowledge propagation from text corpus to web images
Guojun Qi
Charu C. Aggarwal
Thomas S. Huang
Pay as you browse: microcomputations as micropayments in web-based services
Ghassan Karame
Aurélien Francillon
Srdjan Capkun
Consideration set generation in commerce search
Sayan Bhattacharya
Sreenivas Gollapudi
Kamesh Munagala
Towards a theory model for product search
Beibei Li
Anindya Ghose
Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis
A word at a time: computing word relatedness using temporal semantic analysis
Kira Radinsky
Eugene Agichtein
Evgeniy Gabrilovich
Shaul Markovitch
Automatic construction of a context-aware sentiment lexicon: an optimization approach
Yue Lu
Malú Castellanos
Umeshwar Dayal
ChengXiang Zhai
Web scale NLP: a case study on url word breaking
Kuansan Wang
Christopher Thrasher
Bo-June Paul Hsu
Learning to rank with multiple objective functions
Krysta M. Svore
Maksims Volkovs
Christopher J. C. Burges
A stochastic learning-to-rank algorithm and its application to contextual advertising
Maryam Karimzadehgan
Wei Li
Ruofei Zhang
Jianchang Mao
Parallel boosted regression trees for web search ranking
Stephen Tyree
Kilian Q. Weinberger
Kunal Agrawal
Jennifer Paykin
Evaluating new search engine configurations with pre-existing judgments and clicks
Umut Ozertem
Rosie Jones
Benoît Dumoulin
On the informativeness of cascade and intent-aware effectiveness measures
Azin Ashkan
Charles L. A. Clarke
Pragmatic evaluation of folksonomies
Denis Helic
Markus Strohmaier
Christoph Trattner
Markus Muhr
Kristina Lerman
SEISA: set expansion by iterative similarity aggregation
Yeye He
Dong Xin
Highly efficient algorithms for structural clustering of large websites
Lorenzo Blanco
Nilesh N. Dalvi
Ashwin Machanavajjhala
SCAD: collective discovery of attribute values
Anton Bakalov
Ariel Fuxman
Partha Pratim Talukdar
Soumen Chakrabarti
Track globally, deliver locally: improving content delivery networks by tracking geographic social cascades
Salvatore Scellato
Cecilia Mascolo
Mirco Musolesi
Jon Crowcroft
Measuring a commercial content delivery network
Sipat Triukose
Zhihua Wen
Michael Rabinovich
Turkalytics: analytics for human computation
Paul Heymann
Hector Garcia-Molina
Inverted index compression via online document routing
Gal Lavee
Ronny Lempel
Edo Liberty
Oren Somekh
Efficiently evaluating graph constraints in content-based publish/subscribe
Andrei Z. Broder
Shirshanka Das
Marcus Fontoura
Bhaskar Ghosh
Vanja Josifovski
Jayavel Shanmugasundaram
Sergei Vassilvitskii
FACTO: a fact lookup engine based on web tables
Xiaoxin Yin
Wenzhao Tan
Chao Liu
We know who you followed last summer: inferring social link creation times in twitter
Brendan Meeder
Brian Karrer
Amin Sayedi
R. Ravi
Christian Borgs
Jennifer T. Chayes
Modeling the temporal dynamics of social rating networks using bidirectional effects of social relations and rating patterns
Mohsen Jamali
Gholamreza Haffari
Martin Ester
Like like alike: joint friendship and interest propagation in social networks
Shuang-Hong Yang
Bo Long
Alexander J. Smola
Narayanan Sadagopan
Zhaohui Zheng
Hongyuan Zha
Dynamics of bidding in a P2P lending service: effects of herding and predicting loan success
Simla Ceyhan
Xiaolin Shi
Jure Leskovec
Finding hierarchy in directed online social networks
Mangesh Gupte
Pravin Shankar
Jing Li
S. Muthukrishnan
Liviu Iftode
Finding the bias and prestige of nodes in networks based on trust scores
Abhinav Mishra
Arnab Bhattacharya
Efficient k-nearest neighbor graph construction for generic similarity measures
Wei Dong
Moses Charikar
Kai Li
Layered label propagation: a multiresolution coordinate-free ordering for compressing social networks
Paolo Boldi
Marco Rosa
Massimo Santini
Sebastiano Vigna
Estimating sizes of social networks via biased sampling
Liran Katzir
Edo Liberty
Oren Somekh
Counting triangles and the curse of the last reducer
Siddharth Suri
Sergei Vassilvitskii
Network bucket testing
Lars Backstrom
Jon M. Kleinberg
HyperANF: approximating the neighbourhood function of very large graphs on a budget
Paolo Boldi
Marco Rosa
Sebastiano Vigna
EP-SPARQL: a unified language for event processing and stream reasoning
Darko Anicic
Paul Fodor
Sebastian Rudolph
Nenad Stojanovic
A better uncle for OWL: nominal schemas for integrating rules and ontologies
Markus Krötzsch
Frederick Maier
Adila Krisnadhi
Pascal Hitzler
Rewriting queries on SPARQL views
Wangchao Le
Songyun Duan
Anastasios Kementsietsidis
Feifei Li
Min Wang
Limiting the spread of misinformation in social networks
Ceren Budak
Divyakant Agrawal
Amr El Abbadi
Information credibility on twitter
Carlos Castillo
Marcelo Mendoza
Barbara Poblete
SafeVchat: detecting obscene content and misbehaving users in online video chat services
Xinyu Xing
Yu-Li Liang
Hanqiang Cheng
Jianxun Dang
Sui Huang
Richard Han
Xue Liu
Qin Lv
Shivakant Mishra
Differences in the mechanics of information diffusion across topics: idioms, political hashtags, and complex contagion on twitter
Daniel M. Romero
Brendan Meeder
Jon M. Kleinberg
Who says what to whom on twitter
Shaomei Wu
Jake M. Hofman
Winter A. Mason
Duncan J. Watts
we.b: the web of short urls
Demetres Antoniades
Iasonas Polakis
Georgios Kontaxis
Elias Athanasopoulos
Sotiris Ioannidis
Evangelos P. Markatos
Thomas Karagiannis
Milgram-routing in social networks
Silvio Lattanzi
Alessandro Panconesi
D. Sivakumar
Information spreading in context
Dashun Wang
Zhen Wen
Hanghang Tong
Ching-Yung Lin
Chaoming Song
Albert-László Barabási
Mark my words!: linguistic style accommodation in social media
Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil
Michael Gamon
Susan T. Dumais
Supporting synchronous social q&a throughout the question lifecycle
Matthew Richardson
Ryen W. White
The design and usage of tentative events for time-based social coordination in the enterprise
Mikhil Masli
Werner Geyer
Casey Dugan
Beth Brownholtz
A case for query by image and text content: searching computer help using screenshots and keywords
Tom Yeh
Brandyn White
José San Pedro
Boris Katz
Larry S. Davis
A distributed framework for reliable and efficient service choreographies
Young Yoon
Chunyang Ye
Hans-Arno Jacobsen
Choreography conformance via synchronizability
Samik Basu
Tevfik Bultan
Statically locating web application bugs caused by asynchronous calls
Yunhui Zheng
Tao Bao
Xiangyu Zhang