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2013 Volume 64 Issue 4

Anthology ID:

doi dblp
RDA: Resource description & access - a survey of the current state of the art
Yuji Tosaka | Jung-ran Park

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Scholars on soap boxes: Science communication and dissemination in TED videos
Cassidy R. Sugimoto | Mike Thelwall

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The quality and qualities of information
Jens-Erik Mai

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Do humans have conceptual models about geographic objects? A user study
Ahmet Aker | Laura Plaza | Elena Lloret | Robert J. Gaizauskas

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Exploring the effects of a transition to open access: Insights from a simulation study
Steffen Bernius | Matthias Hanauske | Berndt Dugall | Wolfgang König

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Inducing terminologies from text: A case study for the consumer health domain
Smaranda Muresan | Judith L. Klavans

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A systematic review of interactive information retrieval evaluation studies, 1967-2006
Diane Kelly | Cassidy R. Sugimoto

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Generating metadata for cyberlearning resources through information retrieval and meta-search
Xiaozhong Liu

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Author-level Eigenfactor metrics: Evaluating the influence of authors, institutions, and countries within the social science research network community
Jevin D. West | Michael C. Jensen | Ralph J. Dandrea | Gregory J. Gordon | Carl T. Bergstrom

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Journal impact and proximity: An assessment using bibliographic features
Chaoqun Ni | Debora Shaw | Sean M. Lind | Ying Ding

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Learning to rank using smoothing methods for language modeling
Yuan Lin | Hongfei Lin | Kan Xu | Xiaoling Sun

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New patterns of scientific growth: How research expanded after the invention of scanning tunneling microscopy and the discovery of Buckminsterfullerenes
Thomas Heinze | Richard Heidler | Raphael Heiko Heiberger | Jan Riebling

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Document clustering using the LSI subspace signature model
Weizhong Zhu | Robert B. Allen

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Empirical evidence for the relevance of fractional scoring in the calculation of percentile rank scores
Michael Schreiber

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Opening standards: The global politics of interoperability - Edited by Laura DeNardis
Brenda Chawner

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Note on a possible decomposition of the h-Index
Leo Egghe