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2021 Volume 4 Issue 1

Anthology ID:

doi dblp
Attend to Chords: Improving Harmonic Analysis of Symbolic Music Using Transformer-Based Models
Tsung-Ping Chen | Li Su

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Automatic Transcription of Organ Tablature Music Notation with Deep Neural Networks
Daniel Schneider | Nikolaus Korfhage | Markus Mühling | Peter Lüttig | Bernd Freisleben

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Automatic Generation of Piano Score Following Videos
Mengyi Shan | T. J. Tsai

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Piano Sheet Music Identification Using Dynamic N-gram Fingerprinting
Daniel Yang | T. J. Tsai

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Make That Sound More Metallic: Towards a Perceptually Relevant Control of the Timbre of Synthesizer Sounds Using a Variational Autoencoder
Fanny Roche | Thomas Hueber | Maëva Garnier | Samuel Limier | Laurent Girin

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The Annotated Mozart Sonatas: Score, Harmony, and Cadence
Johannes Hentschel | Markus Neuwirth | Martin Rohrmeier

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Automatic Hierarchy Expansion for Improved Structure and Chord Evaluation
Katherine M. Kinnaird | Brian McFee

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On End-to-End White-Box Adversarial Attacks in Music Information Retrieval
Katharina Prinz | Arthur Flexer | Gerhard Widmer

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Where Does the Buck Stop? Ethical and Political Issues with AI in Music Creation
Fabio Morreale

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Diversity by Design in Music Recommender Systems
Lorenzo Porcaro | Carlos Castillo | Emilia Gómez

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Towards Leitmotif Activity Detection in Opera Recordings
Michael Krause | Meinard Müller | Christof Weiß

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Improving Audio Chord Estimation by Alignment and Integration of Crowd-Sourced Symbolic Music
Daphne Odekerken | Hendrik Vincent Koops | Anja Volk

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Drumroll Please: Modeling Multi-Scale Rhythmic Gestures with Flexible Grids
Jon Gillick | Joshua Yang | Carmine-Emanuele Cella | David Bamman

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Audio and Music Analysis on the Web using Essentia.js
Albin Andrew Correya | Jorge Marcos-Fernández | Luis Joglar-Ongay | Pablo Alonso-Jiménez | Xavier Serra | Dmitry Bogdanov

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On Evaluation of Inter- and Intra-Rater Agreement in Music Recommendation
Arthur Flexer | Taric Lallai | Katja Rasl

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Audiovisual Singing Voice Separation
Bochen Li | Yuxuan Wang | Zhiyao Duan

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Evaluating Creativity in Automatic Reactive Accompaniment of Jazz Improvisation
Fabian Ostermann | Igor Vatolkin | Günter Rudolph

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Sliding-Window Pitch-Class Histograms as a Means of Modeling Musical Form
Dror Chawin | Uri B. Rom

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We are Not Groupies⋯ We are Band Aids': Assessment Reliability in the AI Song Contest
John Ashley Burgoyne | Hendrik Vincent Koops

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Sesquialtera in the Colombian Bambuco: Perception and Estimation of Beat and Meter - Extended version
Estefanía Cano | Fernando Mora Ángel | Gustavo López Gil | José Ricardo Zapata | Antonio Escamilla | Juan Fernando Alzate | Moises Betancur Peláez

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I Keep Counting: An Experiment in Human/AI Co-creative Songwriting
Gianluca Micchi | Louis Bigo | Mathieu Giraud | Richard Groult | Florence Levé